TR0546 : Former Wye College Buildings, High Street
taken 8 years ago, near to Wye, Kent, England
Former Wye College Buildings, High Street
Planning permission has been granted by Ashford Borough Council under application number 17/00567/AS “for the “conversion of former College buildings with associated restoration and alterations to buildings, demolition of later structures and rebuilding to provide 39 dwellings and community space; together with provision of two new dwellings, parking courts with car barns, cycle storage and refuse stores on land to the north of the retained buildings and associated landscaping; and change to parking arrangements for Squires Cottages (change of use from College residential accommodation back to 4 individual dwellings approved under reference 16/00893/AS)”.
Planning permission has also been granted by Ashford Borough Council under application number 17/00568/AS for the “conversion of former College buildings to provide 39 dwellings with internal and external alterations to include new openings, new partitions, closure of existing openings, removal of doors and partitions, new staircases and opening up of intermediate floor. Demolition of existing extensions”. This application also relates to listed building consent
This is one of the College’s buildings, seen from a public footpath, which may be demolished.
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