ST8182 : Giant's Cave
taken 8 years ago, near to Badminton, South Gloucestershire, England
A long cairn with lateral chambers, excavated by A.D. Passmore in 1932, and by J. Corcoran in 1960-62. Four chambers identified, together with a forecourt and the remains of a blind entrance at the eastern end. The mound was trapezoidal in plan and revetted by dry-stone walling, which can still be seen at the western end. Finds included many flint flakes and a featureless sherd of Neolithic pottery, plus four other sherds. The fourth chamber was found by Corcoran to have been filled with human bones. The barrow was disturbed in Romano-British times, as was evidenced by potsherds and a Roman coin, and its chambers rifled and roofing stones removed by 1660, according to Joshua Childrey and John Aubrey. (Information from “The Giant’s Caves, Luckington (WIL 2)” by J. Corcoran, Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine, Vol. 65, 1970).