SN4257 : OSBM Flush Bracket S7784 - Llanarth School
taken 9 years ago, near to Llanarth, Ceredigion/Sir Ceredigion, Wales
OSBM Flush Bracket S7784 - Llanarth School
Ordnance Survey Benchmark (OSBM) used for levelling height above Ordnance Datum (OD).
Height (1956): 123.9320m OD (Newlyn). Mark verified by the Ordnance Survey in 1975. Description: FL BR S7784 SCH SW SIDE RD N ANG NE FACE. 0.3m above ground. 1st Order BM.
The bracket was used on the Cardigan to Aberystwyth line (G082) of the Third Geodetic Levelling of England & Wales in 1956. Abstract G 65:
Link [OS 54/754]
The bracket was originally used on the Aberayron to Carmarthen secondary line of the Second Geodetic Levelling of England & Wales in 1953-1954. It was levelled with a height of 406.491' above OD (Newlyn). Description: On NE face of school, Llanarth. Abstract S 7:
Link [OS 54/639]
SN4257 : Ordnance Survey Flush Bracket S7784
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