SP9211 : Yarn Bombing near South Porch of Tring Parish Church
taken 9 years ago, near to Tring, Hertfordshire, England
The Church Square at Tring was Yarn Bombed on the 29th June, 2015, as part of the Tring 700 celebrations. About 130 people were involved in the preparations including the following organisations:
All Stitched Up - St Bartholomew's School, Wigginton
Bishop Wood School
Crafty & Wine!
Hessian & Indigo at The Lady Shed
High Street Baptist Church
Home Start
New Mill Baptist Church
St Joseph's Care Home
St Peter & St Pauls Tring Team Parish
Stitch & Bitch Group
Tring School
Tring Together
The Women's Institute
Yarn Bomb Tring Facebook Group
For many more pictures of the Yarn Bombing in progress see "Recording Tring" Link
In addition there was some more yarn bombing in the Church Square and the adjacent churchyard for the annual Victorian Evening in November.