SJ8398 : Barton Square and Barton Arcade

taken 10 years ago, near to Manchester, England

This is 1 of 5 images, with title starting with Barton in this square
Barton Square and Barton Arcade
Barton Square and Barton Arcade
The arcade's southern doorway opens out onto Barton Square, a lane leading into St Ann's Square. The building on the right is named "Acresfield", reminding us that in the 17th century, Deans Gate and Market Street Lane had been laid out but this area really was a field called Acres Field and it was the site of an annual fair.
Barton Arcade, Manchester

Barton Arcade is a Victorian shopping arcade located between Deansgate and St Ann's Square

A fine example of a Victorian shop-and-office Victorian structure, Barton Arcade was built in 1871 by Corbett, Raby & Sawyer, hidden behind the facade of Barton's Buildings on Deansgate. There are two entrances from Deansgate and another reached from St Ann's Square.

Inside is a light and airy glass and iron shopping arcade with two octagonal domes rising from glass pendentives, probably one of the best examples of this type of cast-iron and glass-roofed arcade anywhere in the country. There are three tiers of balconies with mahogany handrails and ornamental balustrades curving around the U-shaped arcade.

Barton Arcade was extensively restored in the 1980s and now houses exclusive shops, and a number of office suites. The original shop fronts have disappeared, as has the original decorative tiled floor, but Barton Arcade remains a beautifully restored piece of Victorian architecture.

Barton Arcade is a grade II* listed building (English Heritage Building ID: 388084 LinkExternal link British Listed Buildings).

LinkExternal link Barton Arcade Website

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   © Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
This photo is linked from: Articles: · Architectural features illustrated Automatic Clusters: · Street [919] · Square [737] · St Ann's Square [290] · Christmas Market [270] · New Cathedral Street [214] ·
1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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Grid Square
SJ8398, 3338 images   (more nearby 🔍)
David Dixon   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Wednesday, 15 July, 2015   (more nearby)
Friday, 17 July, 2015
Subject Location
OSGB36: geotagged! SJ 837 984 [100m precision]
WGS84: 53:28.9618N 2:14.7532W
Camera Location
OSGB36: geotagged! SJ 838 984
View Direction
West-northwest (about 292 degrees)
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Image classification(about): Geograph
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