The 'Caledonia' is an example of the latest, and largest, Redbay Stormforce boat
Link . Known as the 1650, it is larger than other boats in the range at 16.5m in length and is "intended for a variety of commercial applications including Pilot, Patrol, and Passenger carrying usages"
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Archive Link ) . This one still has 'demonstrator' on the side so I am not sure if it has been acquired for pilotage services in Belfast Harbour as yet, although it has been extensively used/tested by them (at the time of writing Redbay are offering it for sale - price £450,000). See also the YouTube video at
Link .
[ Update: this boat went to the Mersey as the pilot boat 'Puffin'
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SD1301 : Burbo Bank Windfarm Construction, Liverpool Bay ]