SK1727 : Approaching the village 2 - Hanbury, Staffordshire
taken 13 years ago, near to Hanbury, Staffordshire, England

Approaching the village 2 - Hanbury, Staffordshire
Hanbury, to the north-west of Burton upon Trent has its prominent water tower and the 19th century church of St Werburgh. This building contains much from older days - a memorial to Royalist Sir John Egerton, a memorial to two Puritan ladies and the oldest alabaster effigy in England, of Sir John Hanbury, who died in 1303. To the east of the village is the Fauld Crater, the scene of the RAF bomb dump explosion in 1944 which killed 70 people and blew a farm off the face of the Earth. This view across the fields, showing the church tower and the water tower, was taken near Croft Farm. This building has some notable plasterwork. Time photo taken 8.23 am BST (British Summer Time).
SK1727 : Decorative plasterwork, Croft Farm, Hanbury
SK1727 : Croft Farm
SK1727 : Decorative plasterwork, Croft Farm, Hanbury
SK1727 : Croft Farm