SP0990 : Snowy way to Fazeley - Aston, Birmingham
taken 15 years ago, near to Gravelly Hill, Birmingham, England

Snowy way to Fazeley - Aston, Birmingham
Work on the Fazeley section of the Canal began in 1786 and was finally completed in 1789 after many disputes with the contractors who had been engaged for the work. The towpath where the horses used to haul is now used by walkers and cyclists and is part of NCN 535 from Birmingham to Sutton Coldfield with route maintenance and signing carried out by the Canal & River Trust and Sustrans Local Groups. What those boat crews of years ago would have made of motorways and their speeding traffic is anyone's guess. The towpath makes a good day's walking from Birmingham with return transport by bus or train from Tamworth. Time taken 9.39 am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).