SZ5095 : Venture Quay, East Cowes
taken 12 years ago, near to East Cowes, Isle of Wight, England
This is 1 of 9 images, with title starting with Venture in this square

Venture Quay, East Cowes
The former factory of Saunders-Roe who built aircraft and hovercraft.
In 1977, the main hangar doors of what was then the British Hovercraft Corporation (a successor to Saunders Roe) were painted with the world's largest image of the Union Flag to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee. Venture Quay still boasts the world's largest Union Flag, although the factory now produces wind turbines.
In 1977, the main hangar doors of what was then the British Hovercraft Corporation (a successor to Saunders Roe) were painted with the world's largest image of the Union Flag to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee. Venture Quay still boasts the world's largest Union Flag, although the factory now produces wind turbines.