NH2701 : Below the releasing dam on the River Garry
taken 12 years ago, near to Munerigie, Highland, Scotland

Below the releasing dam on the River Garry
The Garry is a dam-release river, very useful to kayakers in the area when rainfall or snowmelt has failed to provide water in free flowing rivers. It typically releases every Thursday from April (an earlier start than most of the Scottish dam releases), and, by arrangement, on the Saturday of the annual Wet West Paddlefest (usually a weekend in September).
Like most dam-release rivers, the flow which is allowed out puts the river into a state of reasonably high water, making it quite a powerful ride, but as it is only grade 2-3, the net result is a short blast down with a variety of waves to play on. The normal put-in is river left a short way below the dam (just out of shot to the right here). The take-out is at White Bridge, where there's plenty of parking (space is very limited by the depot at the top).
Like most dam-release rivers, the flow which is allowed out puts the river into a state of reasonably high water, making it quite a powerful ride, but as it is only grade 2-3, the net result is a short blast down with a variety of waves to play on. The normal put-in is river left a short way below the dam (just out of shot to the right here). The take-out is at White Bridge, where there's plenty of parking (space is very limited by the depot at the top).