SU6253 : Changing Adverts (4a)
taken 15 years ago, near to Basingstoke, Hampshire, England

Changing Adverts (4a)
Every working day I used to cycle past this bus shelter. Given its orientation the light was always good at the end of the day. This is one example of how Geograph has made me more aware of my surroundings. It is also an interesting insight into how clever advertisers are (not that I needed reminding) once one starts to take into account the location of the bus stop and time of year for which each advert is displayed.
In late 2011 I changed jobs, I only occasionally pass by here but I try to continue to keep the sequence ticking over.
See other images of Bus Shelter Advertising
In late 2011 I changed jobs, I only occasionally pass by here but I try to continue to keep the sequence ticking over.
See other images of Bus Shelter Advertising