Grid reference TQ3960
near to New Addington, Croydon, England
Explore gridsquare TQ3960
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Hessiers Road near Fickleshole
This road is very straight for good reason - it follows the course of an old roman road. Where this road bends, it does so only when deviating temporarily from the course taken by the old street.
Blackman's Lane, Fickleshole
Farmland, Fickleshole
NCN21 near New Addington
National Cycle Network route 21 near New Addington. Here, the cycle route leaves the road and follows a muddy track. This surface would be difficult for some types of bicycle, particularly those intended primarily for use on the roads.... (more)
Farmland near Fickleshole (2)
The crop in this field is ripening field beans, which are grown as animal feed. (Thanks to fellow Geographer Trish Steel.) Close-up, they have the appearance of being burnt, with unscathed patches dotted about.
The minor road marked to the... (more)
View from Blackman's Lane
Park Road runs alongside the hedge on the far side of the field. This seemingly remote countryside is only just south of New Addington.
Junction on Blackman's Lane
Blackman's Lane leads right towards Skidhill Lane.
Park lane leads left, this is now just a cyclepath lane. Part of National Cycle Network Route 21 (heading to Greenwich ).
Skid Hill Lane, Fickleshole (set of 2 images)
Skid Hill Lane, near New Addington
A road junction on Skid Hill Lane, on the fringe of south east London. Skid Hill Lane forms the county boundary between Greater London and Surrey here. To the left of the road is Greater London, to the right is Surrey.
Skid Hill Lane, Fickleshole
This follows the course of a Roman road. The white lines at the sides of the road accentuate the many little bends and squiggles in the road. I don't think the Romans would have tolerated it.
A boundary runs down the middle of this... (more)
Fairchildes Farm
Does it have an 'e' or not? OS has it as above: the board outside has Fairchilds Farm.
Fairchildes Farm, Fickleshole
The land farmed here is mainly arable. One day a month, Leigh Mill Wildfowling Club organise clay pigeon shooting at this farm.