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Grid reference TQ2965

near to Beddington, Sutton, England


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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from TQ2965 [6] taken pre 2000 [6]
A sample of 12 photos from 192 for TQ2965 - View this square in the Browser >>>
TQ2965 : Path, Beddington Park (3) by Stephen Richards Path, Beddington Park (3)
There are many venerable trees in the park dating from when it formed the grounds of Carew Manor. The grass has not been given a coat of fluorescent green paint - its luridness is a quirk of bright winter light.
TQ2965 : Canon Bridge's Bridge, Beddington Park. by Noel Foster Canon Bridge's Bridge, Beddington Park.
Bridge over a tributary of the River Wandle, Canon Bridges was Rector of Beddington 1864-91.
TQ2965 : Carew Manor, Beddington by Marathon Carew Manor, Beddington
From the 14th century until the early 19th century, Beddington Place and Park were the seat of the Carew family. The estate was split up in 1857 and much of the house did not survive the drastic rebuilding of 1865-6 for the Lambeth Female... (more)
TQ2965 : Beddington Park:  River Wandle by Dr Neil Clifton Beddington Park: River Wandle
Looking east from Decorative Bridge
TQ2965 : Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Beddington by Malc McDonald Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Beddington
The church and churchyard of Saint Mary the Virgin, in Beddington in the outer suburbs of south London.
TQ2965 : Crispin Crescent, Beddington by Stacey Harris Crispin Crescent, Beddington
TQ2965 : Croydon Road, Wallington by David Howard Croydon Road, Wallington
I noticed the two cars parked in the bus stop on double red lines (not a good idea), and when I passed them saw the one on the back had driven into the one in the front and wrecked itself completely, with medium damage to the victim's.... (more)
TQ2965 : Bridge over River Wandle, Beddington Park by Robin Webster Bridge over River Wandle, Beddington Park
Looking upstream.
TQ2965 : St.Mary's Church, Beddington by Peter Trimming St.Mary's Church, Beddington
Looking across the graveyard, through the gateways to the graveyard and church; towards the door, at the base of the tower, at the western end of the church.
TQ2965 : Lychgate and St. Mary's Church, Beddington, Surrey by Dr Neil Clifton Lychgate and St. Mary's Church, Beddington, Surrey
TQ2965 : Beddington Park by Stephen Richards Beddington Park
Looking across an extension to the churchyard on a typically chilly day in April 2024.
TQ2965 : St.Mary's Church, Beddington by Peter Trimming St.Mary's Church, Beddington
The view from just inside the gate.

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