Grid reference TL6363
near to Newmarket, Suffolk, England
Explore gridsquare TL6363
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Edinburgh Road, Newmarket
The Palomino public house
Situated in Valley Way, Newmarket, this is a popular local pub in the centre of a housing estate, next to a row of shops.
Unused paddocks in Newmarket (set of 2 images)
Tannersfield Way
Newmarket: Hamilton Road
This long straight road runs along the west side of Newmarket. Although the properties on the right are the residential ones that might be expected along a road like this most of the ones on the left are stables.
West end of High Street, Newmarket
The A1304, formerly A11.
Play area and Park in Adastral Road, Newmarket, Suffolk
Old building on High Street, Newmarket
Newmarket: High Street dropping into the town from the west
High Street Newmarket
Unfortunately a lot of dirt builds up on a long journey and that is beyond the range of the wipers.
Houses on Exning Road, Newmarket (2)
Accessed via this concrete surfaced service road.
Horses only road next to Rowley Drive, Newmarket