Grid reference TL6062
3 km from Exning, Suffolk, England
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July Course, Newmarket Racecourse
Devil's Dyke
The Devil's Dyke crosses Newmarket race course, seen here with the July Course in the background.
On a remote part of Devil's Dyke, Newmarket
Roughly level with the four furlong marker and in a small gap in the Devil's Dike stand this memorial to the crew of a Stirling bomber R9245 AA-N of 75 (New Zealand) Squadron.
Plaque erected to memory of crew of Short Stirling R9245... (more)
Ten furlong marker, Newmarket Racecourse
A bit confusing for non race goers but this marker post is on The Rowley Mile Course also called The Beacon (Cesarewitch) Course. This is the only bend on the course and horses race towards the camera.
Devil's Dyke and the July Course, Newmarket
The Devil's Dyke, a designated SSSI, stretches in a near perfect straight line for 12 km from the Fen edge at Reach, across the open chalk landscape near Newmarket and towards the more wooded landscape on the clay ridges, ending at... (more)
Devil's Ditch
From Running Gap, which allows the Cesarewitch Course at Newmarket to cross the earthwork.
On the rails of The Rowley Mile, Newmarket
The mile start is the first blue marker post and the winning post is near the grandstands in the distance
Newmarket Racecourse: the Cesarewich Course
This picture was taken from where the Devil's Dyke footpath emerges from woodland next to the A14 (right) on to the racecourse. A Jockey Club notice on the gate explains that this is a danger area used for racehorse training and that... (more)
Devil's Ditch
Near the 4 furlong marker on the July racecourse
As seen from the Devil's Ditch.
Newmarket Cesarewitch Course
Taken from the Running Gap on Newmarket Heath, where the racecourse crosses the Devil's Dyke, looking towards the point where the track divides, horses (approaching the camera) heading either for the July Course or towards the Rowley Mile.
July Course, Newmarket
From the Devil's Dyke. There is also a small airstrip and a helipad, allowing jockeys and others to access the racecourse.