Grid reference TG2010
near to Hellesdon, Norfolk, England
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By-election HQ, Alston Road
It is unlikely that any local political party has permanent premises large enough to accommodate all the activity of a Parliamentary By-election. A short let in an otherwise empty industrial unit is a popular solution, as here in Norwich... (more)
St Mary's church - view east
A 'church without land' is recorded in the Domesday book and it is believed that the old church or chapel that stood on this site marks the spot where King Edmund was interred and martyred in 869. St Mary's church >... (more)
1930's Council House, #31, Kirkpatrick Road
Works entrance off Drayton Road
Hellesdon, Sweet Briar Road
Hellesdon - St. Mary's Church
Hellesdon - St. Mary's Church, Lower Hellesdon, Norwich.
Crossroads, Hellesdon
Parking at the Retail Park
An out-of-town-centre retail park which includes PC World, Currys & Maplin
Hellesdon War Memorial
The memorial bears fifteen names of the men lost in WW1 and of 22 lost in WW2.
One headstone in the churchyard has a name which doesn't appear on the memorial; that of Bertram Victor BRAZELL (RAFVR). He died in 1946 and it is not... (more)
Bus stop on Drayton Road (A1067)
Looking south east.
Sweet Briar Road, Hellesdon
A140 Sweet Briar Road, Hellesdon
At the junction with Hellesdon Hall Road