Grid reference TF9945
near to Morston, Norfolk, England
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Shag, Blakeney Harbour
Told from the more numerous Cormorants by the yellow on the bill, the eye separate from the bill and a weaker bill (though from this angle the bill looks fairly big and forehead not very steep)
At a Distance - The Old Lifeboat Station, Blakeney
Taken from one of the many seal spotting launches operating from Morston Quay
Houseboat Mary in Blakeney Harbour
Said to be one of the oldest vessels in the harbour.
Grey Seals basking on Beach
Blakeney Point Nature Reserve, Norfolk
As seen from the footpath on the way to the Old Lifeboat Station.
Old Blakeney Lifeboat Station
From the dunes looking to the Old Blakeney Lifeboat Station
Mudflats South of Blakeney Point
This view looks across the Blakeney Channel towards the marshes west of Morston. The area to the right has been roped off by the National Trust to help protect birds during the breeding season.
Seals at Blakeney Point
Taken on film in 1990 during a boat trip to see the seal colony.
Grey Seal on Blakeney Point
There are thousands of seals on the point in November, with a few outside the main colony.
Middle Point, Blakeney Point
The local birdwatching names makes more sense the map name of New Point, see Link
Blakeney Point Nature Reserve, Norfolk
Looking across the grassland towards the channel.
Old Lifeboat House, Blakeney Point
The Old Lifeboat House at Blakeney Point was built in 1898 but only functioned for a few years before falling out of use because of the build up of shingle.
In 1910, the owner of Blakeney Point, Augustus Cholmondeley Gough-Calthorpe, 6th... (more)