Grid reference SX6593
near to South Zeal, Devon, England
Explore gridsquare SX6593
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Old Boundary Marker by the former A30, east of Ramsley
Parish Boundary Marker by the UC road (was A30), in parish of Sticklepath (West Devon District), 100m East of turn into cut off section of old road and parking area, in hedge bank, tight by road, opposite hedge row.
Inscription reads:- :... (more)
House on the old A30, between two lanes, looking south
Sheep grazing, Ramsley
Market cross, South Zeal
'South Zeal Was once a borough and a market town, and has a fine granite cross' [Survey Gazzetteer of the British Isles, BARTHOLOMEW 1904]
South Tawton Primary School, South Zeal
Stente Ford Bridge
A track runs along the west bank of the small stream from the bridge in the road between Moon's Cross and Dishcombe.
Main Street, South Zeal
The eastern end of the main street in South Zeal.
Chimney at Ramsley Mine
Copper was mined here from 1858 to 1909. All that remains now is this chimney, although apparently the outline of the nearby shaft is visible.
Market cross, South Zeal
This complete late Medieval granite cross identifies the market established by Charter in 1298.
Market crosses were well-known focal points, sometimes used to calculate distances between towns. Varying from simple to elaborate styles,... (more)
Ramsley Lane
This lane lined with cottages runs beneath Ramsley Hill from the old A30 to the south-east end of South Zeal's village street.
South Zeal Village
With St. Mary's chapel in the centre and the South Tawton Primary School at 3 o/clock taken 19th May 2003
South Tawton: South Zeal
A borough was created here in 1299, providing for a market and two fairs. South Zeal was on the old road from Exeter to Okehampton. At the end of the 18th century the village was bypassed by the Okehampton turnpike, running to the south and... (more)