Grid reference SU1280
near to Elcombe, Swindon, England
Explore gridsquare SU1280
Surrounding area
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Watercourse (1)
This little stream is too small to appear on the 1:50000 map. The view is facing south and upstream of the viewpoint on the public footpath.
Through the green tunnel
The footpath passes through a small area of woodland.
Pigs, Chilton Farm
Two pig arks were situated near where the footpath passes beneath Chilton Farm. Despite the freezing weather, the pigs looked perfectly happy. Swindon hill can be seen in the distance.
Arable field, Elcombe
Old field roller in an arable field.
Chilton Farm [1]
The farm is seen from the footpath.
Chilton Farm, Wroughton, Swindon
The postal address is Chilton Farm Bungalow, Wroughton, Swindon, however the bungalow is hidden in this view by the farm buildings.
Footpath, Chilton Farm
The footpath winds its way through pasture to pass just below Chilton Farm. The photograph was taken on a bitterly cold day: the water in the trough was still frozen in the afternoon, and if it hadn't been for the dripping spout... (more)
Gate across public footpath.
The gate appears to be new; certainly it is in excellent condition and more convenient, if less picturesque, than a stile.
Valley floor view [2]
Seen from the footpath is this view across the valley floor. The huge solar farm is prominent and there are buildings on the outskirts of Swindon visible in the distance.
Chilton Farm [2]
The access track to the farm is seen from the footpath.
Watercourse (2)
The stream is lost to view under the bankside vegetation.
Cattle bar
The water trough is seen alongside the footpath.