Grid reference SU0731
near to Burcombe, Wiltshire, England
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A30 heading west
Swans, Burcombe
Swans resting in a meadow field on the Nadder floodplain.
The three species wintering in Britain are all protected, the most familiar being he mis-named mute swan, which not only makes a musical whistling sound with its wings while... (more)
Wheat by the A30
A long field, rendered sinuous on its other side by meadows along the meandering River Nadder.
Trees and farm equipment at North Burcombe
St John the Baptist, Burcombe
St John the Baptist, Burcombe: churchyard (6)
Sadly Gunner Arnold died after the armistice had been signed Link
Doorway, St John the Baptist Church, Burcombe
Unfortunately the church was locked.
Horse in a paddock, Burcombe
Railway cutting at North Burcombe
This is the line from Salisbury to Exeter, looking West.
Barn of Priory Farm, Burcombe
As a reminder of how traffic has changed, this barn formerly opened to the road at first floor level. Imagine if the practice of loading/unloading through the door were to be continued today!
Bench Mark, Priory Farm
The Ordnance Survey bench mark is to be found on the north wall of the farm buildings at Priory Farm. For a view of the building SU0731 : Priory Farm, North Burcombe and for further information on the cut mark and others in the area Link
Public footpath, Burcombe