Grid reference ST1939
near to Nether Stowey, Somerset, England
Explore gridsquare ST1939
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Nether Stowey Church Centre
St Mary's Church Centre is on St Mary's Street at the east end of the village. On the left is the Vicarage.
Footpath Near Nether Stowey
Springfield, Nether Stowey
Houses on Lime Street, Nether Stowey
Gazebo, Stowey Court
Nether Stowey, Coleridge Cottage: Flower border
Clock Tower, St Mary's St, Nether Stowey
Standing at the village crossroads, this tower was built in 1862 to replace the dilapidated old bell tower.
Using the bell from the former market cross, the new tower was erected to commemorate Queen Victoria's Silver Jubilee, with... (more)
The Old Toll House: Nether Stowey
This old toll house is situated on the A39 that passes through the centre of the town and is in the north western section of the grid square. This picture was taken from the other side of the road which is very narrow and very busy.
Ordnance Survey 1GL Bolt
This OS Bolt can be found on the SW face of St Mary's Church. It marks a point 64.660m above mean sea level.
Lime Street, Nos. 35 & 37. Nether Stowey
Decorative stone plaque with incised lettering to No. 35, "HERE SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE MADE HIS HOME 1797-1800".
Coleridge occupied the property 1797-1800 when it was in the ownership of Thomas Poole who occupied Tom... (more)
St. Mary's parish church, Nether Stowey
Nether Stowey Fire Station
Nether Stowey Fire Station, Banneson Road, Nether Stowey, Somerset.