Grid reference SP3074
3 km from Westwood Heath, Coventry, England
Explore gridsquare SP3074
Surrounding area
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Looking down the A429
Looking down the road to Kenilworth from Gibbet Hill.
Old Boundary Marker by Stoneleigh Road, Gibbet Hill, Coventry Parish
Parish Boundary Marker by the UC road, in parish of Coventry (Coventry District), Stoneleigh Road, against North West end of railway bridge parapet.
Milestone Society National ID: WA_COVST1pb
Gibbet Hill : Kenilworth Road A429
A roundabout on Kenilworth Road.
Cycle path on Kenilworth Road
Along the north western side of Kenilworth Road runs a cycle path next to the road, and a separate pavement for pedestrians further away.
This is infinitely preferable to the joint routes one often encounters, with their ever present... (more)
Farmland south of Coventry
Gibbet Hill
Waste ground behind some rather upmarket houses in southern Coventry.
Cryfield Grange Rd
View east along Cryfield Grange Rd towards its junction with the Kenilworth Rd.
Cryfield Grange Road
Cryfield Grange Road is a narrow lane between Kenilworth Road and Crackley Lane running past Cryfield Grange. This section is between the city boundary and Cryfield Grange.
Gibbet Hill Crossroads
The junction of Gibbet Hill Road (running left to right) with the Kenilworth Road, seen heading off into the distance towards Coventry.
Welcome to Warwickshire
Sign along Kenilworth Road.
HS2 enabling works at Crackley, February 2021 (1)
Somewhat hidden in the centre of the photo is the Canley Brook, apparently still briskly flowing in its natural course. The plans show it being realigned in a sizeable loop, the railway crossing it roughly where the heavy machinery is... (more)
Stoneleigh Road