Grid reference SO9439
near to Bredon's Norton, Worcestershire, England
Explore gridsquare SO9439
Surrounding area
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Woodland and the Malvern Hills
Though not marked as a quarry as such on maps, the land in the foreground has clearly been subjected to some quarrying.
Remains of a hill barn on Bredon Hill
Not much can be made out of the barn but there are some stones standing on one another which distinguish it from quarry remains nearby.
View to the south east from Bredon Hill
View to the south east from Bredon Hill towards the main range of the Cotswold Hills.
Disused stone quarry above Bredon's Norton
Looking north-west across the Severn/Avon valley towards the Malvern Hills. This site was once one of several quarries on the flanks of Bredon Hill, which produced the characteristic honey-coloured Oolitic limestone used for building. Known... (more)
Badger Track
The low light of the late December sun helps to highlight this well worn track across the meadow near The Warren on Bredon Hill.
Beech trees on a bridleway
Beech trees on a bridleway approaching the summit of Bredon Hill.
View to the Malvern Hills
View to the Malvern Hills from Bredon Hill.
Scarp Slope of Bredon Hill
In the wooded copse called "The Warren" the sudden change in gradient left of the wall drops away to the Severn Plain.
Farm track from Sundial Farm
Heading west with the Malvern Hills in the distance. This path is often mistaken as the main route up Bredon Hill. The white sign on the gate ahead tells walkers to turn left (south) to rejoin the public footpath.
Bredon Hill crest path, 2
Looking west just into square; the path is leading away from the hill top towards Bredon's norton.
Footpath by a disused quarry
The stone quarried here was probably of an inferior quality to that quarried lower down Bredon Hill, but it would have been useful for walling and infilling.
Bridleway towards the Warren
Crossing a wide open and relatively flat pasture on Bredon Hill. Heading towards the trees of the Warren on the very steep scarp slope ahead.