Grid reference SK9816
near to Clipsham, Rutland, England
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Holywell Quarry: aerial 2020
Source of Clipsham Limestone.
Holywell Quarry is considered to be one of the County's most important dimension stone quarries and has been supplying high quality "Clipsham Stone" for the renovation of nationally important... (more)
The gardener's lodge, Clipsham topiary avenue
This was the home of Amos Alexander, who started the trimming of the yew trees in 1870. It was empty when this photograph was taken in 1999. Is it a holiday cottage yet?
Entering Rutland on Clipsham Road
Clipsham topiary
Some of the fantastic Yew avenue topiary at Clipsham
The picnic area
Yew trees by a lodge to Clipsham Hall
Start of Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue
Most of the yews are at lest 200 years old. They lined the avenue to Clipsham Hall
Fantastic topiary at Clipsham yew tree avenue
Yew tree trimming was started by Amos Alexander in 1870 whilst living at the gatehouse. The Forestry commission took over the avenue in 1955 and has continued with the tradition.
The reverse side
On the back of SK9816 : A big sign are these temporary notices.
One describes the work of CYTAT; the other is an update to the Covid-19 status (the avenue is open for responsible use).
Yew Tree Avenue
Yew Tree Avenue is a unique collection of 150 clipped yew trees, most over 200 years old. The Avenue was once the carriage drive to Clipsham Hall, the centre of the Clipsham Estate. These trees are at the north west end of the avenue beside... (more)
Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue, Near Clipsham, Rutland
Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue starts at a public road at SK980169 (the end that's shown, where the bend is) and stretches for half a kilometre to SK975166.
There are 150 well clipped yew trees lining the avenue. Many of the trees are over... (more)
The Lodge, Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue
The Lodge in the process of renovation. The view from the Avenue side was better, but it was spoiled by a cherry picker which is used for clipping the yews.