Grid reference SK8329
near to Croxton Kerrial, Leicestershire, England
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Croxton Lane leaving Croxton Kerrial
Heading north to Knipton
Six Top Road
Water Stoup
Holy water stoup in the porch Link of St.Botolph & St.John the Baptist's church at Croxton Kerrial
Bench mark, The Old Forge, Croxton Kerrial
The Church of Ss Botolph & John the Baptist: North Arcade
The arches and clerestory of the 14th century
Entrance to field west of Croxton Lane
Croxton Kerrial playing field
This village has a large, well used playing field. There is a pavilion, cricket ground, football pitch, children's play equipment and a BMX/skateboard ramp (out of shot).
Donations brass of 1683, Croxton Kerrial Church
Edward Hallam, citizen of London, and details of his donations, including 4/6ths to the poor!
Croxton Kerrial: Church Lane - 1
Bottesford blue glazed pantiles on the limestone cottages and plain red clay ones on the brick house.
The Peacock at Croxton Kerrial
Croxton Kerrial 12thC Medieval Manor House: excavations (8)
The Croxton Kerrial manor house.
To the south of the tithe barn is the manor house with its great hall (in the foreground) which would have been open to the roof. It is thought that the lord and lady of the manor most likely had a private... (more)
Church of St Botolph and St John the Baptist, Croxton Kerrial
Medieval bench ends along the central aisle of the nave.