Grid reference SK7740
near to Orston, Nottinghamshire, England
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Elton and Orston railway station, 1983
Opened in 1850 on the Great Northern Railway's line from Grantham to Nottingham, this view east from the Station Road bridge was taken in 1983. See SK7740 : Elton and Orston railway station for a more recent view from the same spot.
Manor Farm, Orston
An impressive 19th century farmhouse. Not listed, but it features prominently in the village Conservation Area appraisal.
Orston crossroads
Crossroads by Manor Farm at Orston
The Chestnuts, Orston
House with a quite complicated history Link
Orston Triangulation Pillar (set of 3 images)
Orston Village Hall
Elton and Orston Station
Looking towards Nottingham. Very few trains call at this rural station which is on the Nottingham to Grantham railway line.This view is looking towards Nottingham.
Hill Road, Orston, heading south
Elton and Orston railway station
Opened in 1850 on the Great Northern Railway's line from Grantham to Nottingham, this view east from the Station Road bridge was taken from the same spot as SK7740 : Elton and Orston railway station, 1983. The facilities haven't improved, just a lot more trees.
Footpath to Chapel Street
Cycle Routes 15 and 64 entering Orston
Village sign, Orston
A relatively plain sign without any form of illustration. Sited on the edge of the village at the top of Hill Road.