Grid reference SK6991
near to Everton, Nottinghamshire, England
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It's uphill to Everton (Notts not Merseyside)
Everton Sluice Lane.
Roe Hill Cottage and a green wheelie bin
The Sun Inn, Everton
Bawtry Road (A631)
Heading north west.
Village Scene in Everton
Old heart of the village with the Blacksmiths Arms nestling between the two dwellings.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Everton
Tympanum above the south door, probably Norman but clearly Viking inspired. This remarkable stone, with no obvious Christian significance, is not mentioned in the listing description.
A631 at Chapel Lane, Everton
Holy Trinity church, Everton, Notts.
Holy Trinity has Norman (possibly Saxon) origins and retains fine tower and chancel arches from this early church. The north arcade is c1190 with some good capitals, plus other Perpendicular additions.
Corner farm, Everton (1)
Corner Farm has a fine set of barnsand outbuildings, sadly not in the best of condition and in need of urgent repair.
Footpath to Carr Hill Farm
From Everton Sluice Lane.
Main road Everton
A631 through Everton
Chapel lane on right