Grid reference SK6287
near to Blyth, Nottinghamshire, England
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The covers are on
Blyth Cricket Club pitch, the pavilion to the left
The Angel at Blyth.
One of many former coaching inns in Blyth.
Blyth Church
The Priory church of Saint Mary & Saint Martin looks very gothic from the outside, but hides a great Norman nave of c1100 on the inside. A fragment of a much larger priory church and architectural hotch potch.
Monument to Edward Mellish, Ss Mary & Martin's church, Blyth
In 1635 John Mellish of London purchased the Blyth estate from the Saunderson family. He was succeeded by his eldest son Edward Mellish, sometime merchant at Oporto, Portugal. He was high Sheriff of Nottinghamshire 1692–93.
Edward Mellish... (more)
The Angel Inn, Bawtry Road, Blyth – detail
Main entrance in Tuscan style. See Link for location.
Post Office and supermarket, Blyth
On High Street.
Blyth Notts, Barnby Memorial Hall
The sign of the Angel Inn
Blyth village centre
Old-style telephone kiosk, bus stop and 2 pubs next to crossroads. A nice village very close to the A1(M).
A634 at High Street junction, Blyth
Old Milestone by the A634, Sheffield Road, Blyth
Carved stone post by the A634, in parish of BLYTH (BASSETLAW District), Sheffield Road; 90m South of Ivy Cottages, in pavement against building, on West side of road. Barnby Maltby stone, erected by the Barnby Moor to Rotherham turnpike... (more)
Blyth Park