Grid reference SK4178
near to Eckington, Derbyshire, England
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Former chapel, West Street
On Bolehill Lane west of Eckington
This severely pruned tree by the path caught my eye.
Houses on Dronfield Road, Eckington
B6052 towards Chesterfield from Eckington
A zoom shot along the road as it heads southwest across the square from the edge of Eckington.
Eckington - Chesterfield Road Junction with Dronfield Road (B6056)
Junction of Dronfield and Chesterfield Roads at Eckington
Eckington, Ashmore Avenue looking south from Dronfield Road.
These houses were built by local builder Joe Ashmore and were more or less his swan song following his early death in about 1970. I remember him telling us with great enthusiasm that he had managed to gain approval of the name which would... (more)
Old Village Signpost by the B6052, Chesterfield Road, Eckington village
No finial - 1 arm; by the B6052, in parish of Eckington (North East Derbyshire District), Chesterfield Road, South West approach to village.
To be surveyed
Milestone Society National ID: DE_SK4178
Bolehill Lane in Eckington
Looking towards the B6052 Chesterfield Road from the east end of the lane.
Bole Hill Lane, Eckington, NE Derbyshire.
View east along the Bridlepath known as Bole Hill Lane which runs off Chesterfield Road and finishes in Marsh Lane.
Penelope's Pit Stop
Takeaway food shop in Eckington
Farmland view from Bolehill Lane
The lane is now a track heading steadily uphill to Bolehill Farm, Lightwood and Marsh Lane.