Grid reference SK2625
near to Stretton, Staffordshire, England
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Claymills Victorian Pumping Station - south economiser
Claymills has two economisers that recovered heat from the flue gases into the boiler feedwater. Made by E Green of Wakefield. The little steam engine drove scrapers to keep soot off the tubes. They are no longer used although the engine... (more)
Buxton & Thornley Steam engine
A late 19th century horizontal steam engine in the dynamo house, it drives the little dynamo at the end of the room SK2625 : Crompton Dynamo. It is in full working order, the governor can be seen centre right.
The engine along with the dynamo is the... ( more)
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station - new crown valve
This former sewage pumping station is now a museum with regular steam days. This shows one of the two new steel crown valves. These were fitted to the working boilers (Nos. 4 & 5) to replace the original cast iron valves. Cast iron is... (more)
What's left of Meadow Lane
The unkempt hedges line a surviving length of Meadow Lane, first cut off by construction at the sewage works in the 1960s and now cut off by flood water from the River Trent.
Train for Derby
Just approaching the Meadow Lane crossing at Claymills.
The Bennis Westminster Engine
This little engine, as you can see was running. Via a belt system the sprinklers (of coal) on the boilers are driven.
See... (more)
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station - D engine lubricator
This feed thick steam oil into the top of the high pressure cylinder. Filling it is a quite a performance. First, with warming steam in the engine, the top and bottom cocks are opened to allow steam to blow through and displace the air.... (more)
Farmland off Newton Road
Towards the River Trent.
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station - B engine restoration
B engine is being gradually restored from a rusting hulk to an engine capable of running on steam. This shows the partly complete new governor. The old governor was removed for display in an office and subsequently scrapped. The red base... (more)
"C engine" Clay Mills Pumping Station
This photograph was taken after asbestos removal and the depradations of metal thieves and before the Trust was given the keys later in the year. Now 15 years later, C engine is back in steam and the cylinders have nice mahogany cladding.... (more)
Claymills Sewage Pump House
The Victorian pump house, houses 4 steam beam pump engines, three of which have been restored to working condition and they are steamed at regular intervals. They are an impressive sight when they are working.
Claymills Sewage Treatment Works
Clay Mills sewage treatment works is Severn Trent Water’s largest filter works serving a domestic population of around 100,000 in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. It is next to the restored Claymills Victorian sewage pumping station... (more)