Grid reference SK1746
near to Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Explore gridsquare SK1746
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Dr Johnson wuz 'ere
Plaque on the Mansion House, Church Road, Ashbourne.
A rural scene
Lush farmland grazing is for the three Llamas and two donkeys that are next to the large house in the middle distance.
Former railway tunnel
Market Place Vicinity, Ashbourne, Derbys.
This is Tiger Yard off of Market Place, the latter being visible through the overhanging building on the right. This C16th timber-framed building was formerly the Tiger Inn. Behind the photographer there was once a Baptist Chapel that was... (more)
The tunnel at the start of the Tissington Trail, Ashbourne
Part of the Pennine Cycleway
Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne
The south transept. Original Early English lancets, surmounted by a Perpendicular clerestory window. The original eaves line is marked by the change in the masonry.
Ashbourne Station, with Rail Tour
Ashbourne Methodist Church
On the way out of town along Mayfield Road.
Church street
Church Street Ashbourne Derbyshire.
Shop fronts in St John's Street, Ashbourne
Crossing the Henmore, Ashbourne
School Lane crossing The Henmoore Brook close to Leisure Centre, Ashbourne.
William Haycock - Clockmaker
This building houses one of the oldest family clockmaking businesses still operational in the UK.