Grid reference SE4556
near to Green Hammerton, North Yorkshire, England
Explore gridsquare SE4556
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B6265 near Green Hammerton
Back Lane, Green Hammerton
Back Lane leads past the back of older properties and past the fronts of newer ones, including the recent barn conversion on the left hand side.
Bay Horse Pub
Looking along York Road in Green Hammerton.
Nearing the junction of the A6265 at Green Hammerton
St Thomas's Chapel of Ease, Green Hammerton
St Thomas’s Chapel of Ease lies on York Road, with the Church of England Primary School standing behind it.
The Chapel was completed in 1876, at the instigation of the Rev William Valentine, incumbent of the Parish at the time. It is... (more)
The Green, Green Hammerton
The name refers to the road in the picture, rather than a traditional village green.
B6265 Roman Road
Approaching junction with the A59.
The Bay Horse Inn
on the corner of York Road and New Lane, Green Hammerton. Link
Post Office and two attached houses
Cross roads, Green Hammerton
Junction of Harrogate Road and Back Lane with York Road, the brick pillar has an Ordnance Survey map of Green Hammerton inlaid on top.
Village hall at Green Hammerton
The hall was opened in 2010 and at the time of writing, (March 2017), does not appear at all scales on OS mapping. It lies to the west of the village and overlooks playing fields. It must act as a cricket pavilion - the smaller building... (more)
The Reading Room, Green Hammerton
The reading room appears to double up as a village hall.