Grid reference SE3941
near to Thorner, Leeds, England
Explore gridsquare SE3941
Surrounding area
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Track towards Privet Plantation
Part of the Bramham Park Estate.
Ford at Milner Beck
The sign relates to a permissive bridleway through the woods
Kennels Lane, Wothersome
About 15 metres of the lane are in SE3941 according to the OS map, so my GPS reading, SE 39002 41995, could be correct
Thorner, Bramham Road
There is a benchmark cut into the roadside wall on the south side of the road, and to the east of the entrance to Mangrill Lane, the bridleway. In this photo the cutmark is between the rear of the car and the roadsign.
Farmland near Bramham.
Looking N from Bramham Road.
Farmland off Bramham Road
Closure notice, Bramham Road
'Road closed here 22 to 28 August for Leeds Festival'. About a kilometre east of the edge of Thorner, where life must be quite disrupted during the very popular festival.
Track towards Whittle Car
Sheep at Nova Scotia Farm
Track in Whittle Car
Looking north towards Bramham Road in the woods.
Private lane towards Privet Plantation
Preparing the Leeds Festival site
In Bramham Park, south-west of Privet Plantation. Seen from Mangrill Lane.