Grid reference SE3556
near to Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England
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Discussion on SE3556
Grid Line problems in Knaresborough
What a pity that the Ordnance Survey had to draw their grid lines right through the middle of Knaresborough and make life confusing for users of the 'Geograph' website in years to come. At the risk of possibly upsetting one or two contributors, I would like to make the following observations - based on the slightly more accurate OS 1:25000 map.
The 35/57 grid lines intersect right in the middle of the town, thus making it difficult to pinpoint the location of any photograph taken in or around the Market Place. On the 1:25000 map the grid lines intersect in the middle of the block of buildings that include the Town Hall, 'Beer-Ritz' etc with the 57 'northing' line then heading right through the market cross and down the very centre of Silver Street and out into the High Street just a few metres to the north west of the bus station. Heading west along the same gridline, it clearly shows all of the railway viaduct to be north of this line. The 35 'easting' line cuts across the NW end of the Market Place, narrowly avoiding the front of the library, then across the rear of Barclays bank and out across the High Street. On the south side it stays to the west of Castlegate, crosses Briggate more than once and appears to cut through the centre of Low Bridge.
To summarise what is in each square....
SW side [SE3456] Castle and Castle Yard, Bebra Gardens, Mother Shipton's Cave and Inn, half of Low Bridge [upstream side], riverside mill and weir. None of the Market Place.
SE side [SE3556] SE corner of the Market Place, Castlegate, Gracious Street and top end of Briggate, High Street to the east of and including the bus station, York Place, south side of Silver Street.
NW side [SE3457] Parish church, Knaresborough House, Station, railway viaduct, High Bridge, Conyngham Hall etc.
NE side [SE3557] Most of the Market Place including all the shops along the NE side from Boots to the old chemist shop etc. The frontage of the buildings on the SW side including the Town Hall, Blind Jack's pub and [just about] Beer Ritz shop. The central parking area including the post and telephone boxes also appear to be in this square. The central part of the High Street including Woolworths is also included, plus the north half of Siver Street.
If anyone can come up with a more accurate list based on GPS or a 6" OS map then they are welcome.