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Grid reference SE3556

near to Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England


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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SE3556 [31] taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 474 for SE3556 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SE3556 : A pair of churches, Gracious Street, Knaresborough by Jeff Gogarty A pair of churches, Gracious Street, Knaresborough
The Holy Trinity Church is set back and is entered through the archway. The church that can be seen is the United Reformed Church.
SE3556 : Knaresborough Bus Station by Malc McDonald Knaresborough Bus Station
Knaresborough's bus station is quite small, comprising three bus stops just off the town's High Street which passes to the left in this image. High Street forms part of the route of the trunk A59 as it passes through the town.... (more)
SE3556 : Entrance to Knaresborough Cemetery by HelenK Entrance to Knaresborough Cemetery
Knaresborough Cemetery lies adjacent to the A59, just further out from King James's School. Cemetery Lodge on the left would once have housed the caretaker, but has now been sold off as a private house. Find a Grave page:... (more)
SE3556 : Caravan Park - viewed from Crag Lane by Betty Longbottom Caravan Park - viewed from Crag Lane
SE3556 : Fysche Hall, Knaresborough by Derek Harper Fysche Hall, Knaresborough
Built for Francis Isles (d1776) LinkExternal link and also shown in SE3556 : Masonic Hall - York Place.
SE3556 : Low Bridge, Knaresborough by Gordon Hatton Low Bridge, Knaresborough
This has been one of the main routes into the town over the River Nidd for centuries. There was a bridge here in Medieval times, known as 'Staynbrigg', whilst in 1642 it was known as 'March Bridge' and was said to be... (more)
SE3556 : The 'Half Moon', Knaresborough by Dr Neil Clifton The 'Half Moon', Knaresborough
On the north side of the river, just near Low Bridge
SE3556 : Princess Drive - York Road by Betty Longbottom Princess Drive - York Road
SE3556 : Plaque  to  Our  Lady  of  the  Crag by Martin Dawes Plaque to Our Lady of the Crag
On a wall on Abbey Road
SE3556 : Co-op supermarket, Chain Lane by Gordon Hatton Co-op supermarket, Chain Lane
At the moment this is the only supermarket in Knaresborough. March 2018 update: The supermarket has now been demolished and the site is being redeveloped, whilst at the entrance is a sign for Lidl supermarket, which gives the impression... (more)
SE3556 : The Marquis of Granby by Ian S The Marquis of Granby
One of three Sam Smith's pubs in Knaresborough
SE3556 : Cottage, Briggate by N Chadwick Cottage, Briggate

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