Grid reference SD2899
3 km from Coniston, Cumbria, England
Explore gridsquare SD2899
Surrounding area
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Levers Waterfall
Below Coniston Old Man. Lots of water on the fells.
From: Link
Wheel pit and incline
Red Dell is a side valley of the Coppermines Valley among the Coniston Hills; the area is rich in the remains of quarrying and copper mining. The wheel pit seen here would once have housed a large water wheel the rotary motion of which was... (more)
Levers Water.
Tarn above Coppermines Valley, and source of water power for the mines.
Scree on the fellside below Blake How
The Wheel of Misfortune
The Thriddle Incline from the New Engine House Shaft waterwheel pit - The Wheel of Misfortune
Mouth of Levers Water
This is the view looking northwest over the southeast corner of Levers Water. The level must be lower than normal in this picture, there is no water in the channel.
Old Engine shaft entrance
Looking out towards the waterwheel, along the route of the connecting rod or beam which transmitted the wheel motion. The vertical shaft is a short distance inside the level. A balance bob converted the horizontal motion to vertical motion... (more)
Causeway at Levers Water
Levers Water lies out of picture, to the right, and supplies water for the Coniston Hydro scheme. Brim Fell End forms the backdrop.
Levers Water
Photograph by Geoffrey William Sutcliffe (1907-2004), the contributor's father.
Scanned black and white print.
Old mine workings, Coppermines Valley
Levers Water outlet and dam
A group of walkers can be seen sheltering from the wind to the lee of the dam wall.
Levers Water
Levers Water dam with coring rig.