Grid reference SD2808
near to Freshfield, Sefton, England
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Golf Links, Freshfield, Formby, Merseyside
These links are those of Formby Golf Club, located close to Freshfield Railway Station. Picture taken from SD288085, looking east of north.
Freshfield Golf Club
Victoria Road, Freshfield
Squirrel Wood
Pine woods on former dunes at Formby. There are supposed to be red squirrels living here, but none was in sight.
Formby, Victoria Road
According to the OS benchmark database there was a cutmark on the brick wall on the west face. The new white wall has been built up against the west face of the brick wall. It is unknown if the cutmark survives.
Turf zone "GreenSquirrel"
On Squirrel Green, Freshfield.
National Trust entrance to pine wood reserve
Victoria Road
Heading east.
Woodland at Freshfield
National Trust, Formby - Link
Entrance to the National Trust Victoria Road car park, Formby
Freshfield NT Reserve Entrance
Access from Victoria Road on a busy weekend.
Harington Road/Victoria Road junction