Grid reference NX3540
near to Monreith, Dumfries And Galloway, Scotland
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Monreith Bay
Monreith Bay.
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Monreith Bay
Crofters' harbour in the boulders on the beach
An apparently man-made clearing in the boulder beach; these are sometimes found on the west coast of Scotland, and provided a means of beaching small fishing boats when there was no natural shelter.
Monreith Bay
As viewed from Barsalloch Fort.
Monreith Beach
The rocky outcrop in the middle distance is known as the Black Rock. Monreith Beach is well known for bass fishing, especially when there's a good surf running.
View west across Luce Bay towards the Rhins.
The main street, Monreith
Actually - the only street in Monreith. It is the A747 which runs from Glenluce, at the head of Luce Bay, to Whithorn at the end of the Machars peninsula.
Litter, Monreith Bay
Large amounts of litter are present all along the strand line of the beach at Monreith Bay. As well as being an eyesore, this material is potentially lethal to a wide range of marine life, that may ingest it, or get tangled in it. Please... (more)
Black Rocks, Monreith Bay
The coast at Monreith Bay
View over Monreith Bay
Scrub covered slope between road and beach
The Road to Monrieth