Grid reference NT8463
near to Houndwood, Scottish Borders, Scotland
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Houndwood : A1
Looking north on the A1 through the Scottish Borders region.
Old Milepost in Houndwood, Coldingham parish
Milepost by the UC road, in parish of Coldingham (Berwick District), Houndwood, South end of village near church.
Inscription reads:-
: BERᴷ / 14 : : EDIᴺ / 44 :
Milestone Society National ID: BD_EDBE44
The Eye Water by the A1
War Memorial at Houndwood
In memory of 29 men of Houndwood Parish who died in WWI, and 4 who died in WWII. The memorial is in the Houndwood Churchyard burial ground, now the grounds of the Crematorium.
Driveway, Green Wood
A snowed up road leaves Houndwood.
A bench seat at Houndwood Crematorium
This granite seat is situated at the south side of the crematorium which opened on 30th March 2015 in the former Houndwood Church.
A1 northbound
Roadside cottage at Houndwood
Memorial garden, Houndwood Crematorium
Path to the Westwood Memorial Garden.
A1, Houndwood
Underpass and the new section of dual carriageway bypassing Houndwood.
Railway bridge, Eye Water
The London to Edinburgh railway uses the Eye Water as the only easy crossing of the Lammermuir Hills which have no coastal plain. The railway crosses the Eye Water here while the A1 Great North Road runs along the east bank.
Eye Water and A1 near Houndwood
From the train.