Grid reference NT2660
near to Auchendinny, Midlothian, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NT2660
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Rosslynlee Hospital
The western façade of one of the main buildings.
Flytipping near Drummond Moor
The quiet countryside around the Drummond Moor Landfill site attracts some unwelcome antisocial behaviour.
Stubble and Kirkettle Rough Strip
Former railway route passing Rosslynlee Hospital
A shallow cutting on the former line from Dalkeith to Leadburn and Peebles by the boundary wall of the old hospital site.
Grazing Land
A field at Firth Mains Farm is in use for (presumably) wintering sheep.
Development, Rosslynlee Hospital
Flats in the main building and houses on surrounding land.
Now just piles of bricks, Rosslynlee Hospital
Demolished brick buildings to the SE of the main hospital site, bordered by a moss-covered tarmac road with a few lampposts.
Unnamed Burn
The burn occupies a wooded den before emptying into the River Esk near Woodhouselee.
Rosslynlee Hospital buildings
Part of the extensive hospital at Rosslynlee now available for sale and development. It is suggested that the C-listed buildings could be converted to form 60 flats, the 27 existing houses on the site could be renovated, and the former farm... (more)
Rosslynlee Hospital
Drone flyers at the abandoned hospital. Each has an headset which allows a pilot's-eye view of the course, from a camera on their drone, which leads through and round hoops. The drones are incredibly manoeuvrable and quite fast.
Footpath between Rosslynlee Hospital and Firth Mains
Ruins, Farm Road, Rosslynlee Hospital (set of 2 images)
Once Midlothian & Peebles County Asylum, Rosslyn Hospital was later mainly used for geriatric patients. The hospital closed in 2007. The site is being redeveloped for housing.