Grid reference NT1944
4 km N of Hallyne, Scottish Borders, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NT1944
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Forest Ride at Harehope Hill
Easy walking in deep forest just beyond the hill fort on Harehope summit.
Forest ride, Harehope
A view across the valley of the Lyne Burn to the grassy ridge above Deep Hope. The structures on the ridge are old road trailers now used for storing sheep feed. The Stobo hills are in the distance with Penvalla L of centre.
Approaching Crailzie Hill from the west
Ride, Crailzie Hill
Ride running along the summit ridge. The horrible trees on the left are privately managed and the horrible trees on the right are in a Forestry Commission holding. Where were the windfarm protesters when this little lot went in? As usual an... (more)
Stacked timber in Harehope Forest
Trunks from some pretty substantial trees are stacked awaiting the logging trucks for the next part of their journey.
Forest road, Harehope Hill
The square is almost entirely commercial forestry near to harvesting. The road is lined with self seeded sitka saplings, many tree seeds germinate easiest on disturbed ground like the edge of forest roads or in old quarries.
Forest below Harehope Hill
Cruel steep climb required to reach the summit of Harehope Hill. Difficult underfoot, sweaty atmosphere - but pleasant view down the channel between the trees when altitude is gained.
Clear-felled slope, Harehope Forest
The trees above Millhope Burn have been felled, opening up this view to White Meldon (L) and Black Meldon (R).
Forest road and quarry
In Harehope Forest, which has seen some clear felling and replanting over the last few years.
Harehope Rings settlement site
A view across the diameter of this circular area, surrounded by two earth banks with a ditch in between.
Line of Trees above Harehope Farm
Following an invisible path beside this line of trees above the buildings at Harehope Farm - almost entirely surrounded by forest.
Clear-felled forestry by Millhope Burn
On the SE side of Crailzie Hill, looking across to Dundreich.