Grid reference NS9105
3 km from Durisdeer, Dumfries And Galloway, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS9105
Surrounding area
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Wee Well Craigs
Broken crags on Well Hill. Seen from the Roman Road.
Watershed gate on the Durisdeer to Troloss hill track
View towards Well Hill
Well Hill falls just short of 2000 feet, but is a shapely hill nonetheless.
Durisdeer track
Gate in the Troloss March
'March' being 'boundary' in this context. Leaving Durisdeer on this track there is a sign saying 2 miles to the Troloss March; this is two miles from Durisdeer and is a magnificent wall marking what is now the Regional... (more)
A Benchmark
An old benchmark on an old gate-post, on the march dyke at the
top of the Well Path.
This photo was taken on the 16th September 2022.
Durisdeer to Troloss track
Passing Wee Well Craigs on the left.
Drystane dyke on Durisdeer Hill
Crossing some wet moorland - particularly wet today after a couple of days of incessant rain.
The Troloss March
'March' being 'boundary' in this context. Leaving Durisdeer on this track there is a sign saying 2 miles to the Troloss March; this is two miles from Durisdeer and is a magnificent wall marking what is now the Regional... (more)
Troloss March
The boundary wall on the Nith/Clyde watershed, seen here from the Lanarkshire side with Dumfriesshire on the other side. The wall continues up Durisdeer Hill.
Roman Road
The track over the pass from Clydesdale to Durisdeer.
Hut at Troloss March
Hut at Troloss March below Well Hill and Durisdeer Hill.
Troloss March Dyke forms the boundary between Dumfriesshire and Lanarkshire. The hut is on the Lanarkshire side of the March.