Grid reference NS4376
near to Milton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS4376
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The Long Crags
The Lang Craigs or Long Crags are the edge of the plateau of the Kilpatrick Hills; see NS4376 : The Long Crags for a view along the escarpment, and for further information.
The present picture, a wide-angle view, shows the edge of the plateau after... ( more)
Greenland Reservoir No. 2
Small reservoir buried deep in the forest behind Lang Craigs.
Greenland reservoir no.2
Path below the Lang Craigs
The path passes through a collapsed section of drystane dyke here, and can be followed on to Doughnot Hill.
Lang Craigs
The Long Crags
This is a view from the edge of the cliffs; they curve inwards here (see the 1:25000 map), allowing this view along their course. Although it is not visible in this view, an old track called NS4376 : Lady Overtoun's Walk runs near the foot of the cliffs, at... ( more)
Lang Craigs, Kilpatrick Hills
There is a footpath running alongside a fence (for the most part) close to the edge of this steep impressive escarpment.
The Kilpatrick Hills, though only reaching around 400 metres at their highest, have the feel of something a bit... (more)
Valley in front of the Long Crags
The Lang Craigs
Looking towards Ben Lomond from The Lang Craigs in the Kilpatrick Hills.
Small waterfalls at the top of the Long Crags
A stream tumbles over the steep face of the crags in a series of small waterfalls.
Its source is a spring that is located only a few feet back from the edge of the cliff. I climbed up the slope to see it; it is shown here: NS4376 : A spring near the cliff edge on the Long Crags.
Lady Overtoun's Walk
For the main description, see NS4376 : Lady Overtoun's Walk.
The track known as Lady Overtoun's Walk extends for a distance of at least 350 metres, high up on the slope below the crags. The present photograph shows where the track tails off at its... ( more)
View towards Dumbarton from path by Lang Craigs
The area of woodland and grassland beneath Lang Craigs is managed by Forestry and Land Scotland, an agency of the Scottish Government.
Dumbarton Rock is visible beside the Firth of Clyde in the distance.