Grid reference NB5165
near to Eoropie, Isle of Lewis And Harris, Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NB5165
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Lewis style bus shelter (iii)
Neat harled houses make up the street in Eòropaidh (Eoropie).
St Moluag, Eoropaidh
This ancient church, Teampall Mholuaidh, was derelict but restored about 1912.
The long and straight path to the church is paralleled by grassy strip fields. Link
St Molveg's church
View of the church interior.
Crofting land at Eòropaidh
Looking west from the road to the Butt of Lewis/Rubha Robhanais.
Teampall Mholuaidh
The church of Moluadh, or St Molveg. Had fallen into disuse, but was restored in the 20th century. Contains a 16th century Flemish alms box. Pregnant women were formerly not permitted to enter the church, and had to kneel in the tiny side... (more)
Many fences, Eòropaidh
View over the many strip fields towards Teampall Mholuaidh.
A rocky cove on the west side of the Butt of Lewis headland.
A ewe in a strip field near Eòropaidh
The dividing fences of some of the many strip fields in the area can be seen in this view.
Crofter's fields at Eoropie
The typical pattern of crofter's fields is in long narrow strips - some are several hundreds of metres in length, but often no more than 20 metres or so in width.
Christ be our light
The east window of Teampall Mholuaidh. The stained glass window panel showing the Grass of Parnassus (St Moluag's flower) was designed by Gail Steele of Half-a-Moon Glass and installed in 2005.
Croft houses and buildings in the village of Eòropaidh.