A Worcester Walk

By Bill Nicholls

Well this little walk took place around a month ago and it has taken me that long to post the photos. I'd gone down there to get the van serviced so while it was being done I went for a little walk round Worcester. To get to the centre meant going down the old A44 Bromyard road where I wanted to visit a church I had seen. While on the walk I kept an eye out for benchmarks and was rewarded by finding one on the Garabaldi public house. Next stop was the church which is called St John in Bedwardine, SO8454 : St John in Bedwardine by Bill Nicholls this turned out to be a really fine place SO8454 : Nave to the Chancel by Bill Nicholls though at the time some school children were having a talk about the place. The church dates back to Norman times and does retain a few of the featuresSO8454 : Hagioscope in the pillar by Bill Nicholls. From there is was onto Cripplegate park near the cricket ground and a fountain which is in there SO8454 : Fountain in the park by Bill Nicholls. I exited it near Worcester Bridge but went down to the rail Viaduct to see if a benchmark was on there. I was not disappointed and what's more standing on the side of the road were a couple of old World War Two roadblocks placed there by the Environment agency SO8454 : These look familiar by Bill Nicholls. Back towards the Bridge and what I found an interesting building and in the past may well have been a booking office for either a ferry or boat trip but turned out to be the pumping station for the power station which was opposite. It now sits derelict, testament to once what was there. SO8454 : An old pumping station by Bill Nicholls.
On to the bridge and a search for benchmarks which came up with nothing so a few photos of the nearby public houses and one of a ghost sign for Mellors Sauce Stores SO8454 : Mellors Sauce stores by Bill Nicholls. From there to All Saints church which was not open but did provide a fine benchmark SO8454 : All Saints Church by Bill Nicholls. By that time I felt I'd better go back to the garage to pick up the van but a few shots down the River Severn were in order then back up the A44 stopping off for a few of Worcester County Cricket Ground SO8454 : The cricket ground by Bill Nicholls. Another bench mark popped up near the telephone exchange. Near the garage I had phone call saying it would be another half hour, this gave me a chance to get some photos of a derelict mill and the rail bridge over the A44 SO8254 : An old flour mill? by Bill Nicholls.
I had not finished as on the way home I stopped off at two places for another two benchmarks SP1729 : The Coach and Horses by Bill Nicholls. Another good geograph session done.
I've uploaded the route here LinkExternal link but it takes in the walk round Worcester and the drive to where I took photo's of the benchmarks on the way home.

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