Sutton Methodist Church sits in the centre of the hamlet of Sutton, on the outskirts of the historic village of Stanton Harcourt. This tiny church's work is overseen by its "parent" church in Long Hanborough (on the other side of Eynsham), which doesn't have its own Church Micro (possibly because of the proximity of GC8V4VY!). As well as providing three services a month, the church is home to the village's knitting group and a local singing group.
If approaching the cache with geokids, take care: while the road is quiet and traffic usually slow, there are no footpaths. It might be suitable for a cache-and-dash so long as you're able to find, retreieve, and return the cache quickly. Walking or cycling is probably the best approach.
The cache itself is a well-camouflaged screw-top container. The cache is not on the curch grounds, and you do not need to enter the church grounds to find it. Open the cache carefully to avoid spilling the contents: the grey bit is the "lid". When returning the cache: please ensure the screw top is properly engaged, and give it a jiggle/rotate (or use your fingers to help it) to make sure it fits snugly back into its hiding spot. Don't push it too hard or it'll be quite stiff for the next person to retreive!
Like the cache container? I've made a video showing how to make one just like it cheaply and easily (warning: spoilers).
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