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Guitar 1 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces": easy for beginner / intermediate
Ebook series5 titles

10 Romantic Pieces - Guitar Quartet Series

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About this series

Chitarra 4 parte di "10 pezzi romantici". Raccolta di 10 brani facili del periodo romantico arrangiati da Francesco Leone e curati per Quartetto di chitarre da Giovanni Pattavina, utilissimi per il recital degli allievi dei primi corsi (partitura e parti disponibili in collana). Contiene informazioni sugli autori in inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, portoghese, italiano, coreano, giapponese e cinese. Scansiona il codice QR (in copertina) per la demo audio o visita codice prodotto: EG0908.
contenuti: 1. Largo da “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák 2. Tema da "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini 3. Melodia – A. Rubinstein 4. Marcia del Soldato – R. Schumann 5. La Grande Porta di Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Tema da "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák7. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 7" (II mov.) .) - L. van Beethoven 10. Tema da "Il lago dei cigni" PITchaikovsky  
Release dateDec 6, 2019
Guitar 1 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces": easy for beginner / intermediate

Titles in the series (5)

  • Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces": easy for beginner / intermediate


    Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces": easy for beginner / intermediate
    Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces": easy for beginner / intermediate

    Guitar Quartet Score "10 Romantic Pieces". Collection of 10 easy pieces of the romantic period arranged by Francesco Leone and edited for Guitar Quartet by Giovanni Pattavina, very useful for recital of students of the first courses (score and parts available in series). Scan QR code (in cover) for audio demo or visit product code: EG0908. contents: 1. Largo from “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák  2. Theme from "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini  3. Melody – A. Rubinstein  4. Soldier March – R. Schumann 5. The Great Gate of Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Theme from "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák 7. Theme from "Symphony n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Theme from "Symphony n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Theme from "Symphony n. 7" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 10. Theme from "Swane lake" P.I.Tchaikovsky  

  • Guitar 1 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate


    Guitar 1 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
    Guitar 1 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate

    Guitar 1 part of  "10 Romantic Pieces". Collection of 10 easy pieces of the romantic period arranged by Francesco Leone and edited for Guitar Quartet by Giovanni Pattavina, very useful for recital of students of the first courses (score and parts available in series). Contains authors information in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese. Scan QR code (in cover) for audio demo or visit product code: EG0908. contents: 1. Largo from “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák  2. Theme from "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini  3. Melody – A. Rubinstein  4. Soldier March – R. Schumann 5. The Great Gate of Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Theme from "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák7. Theme from "Symphony n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Theme from "Symphony n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Theme from "Symphony n. 7" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 10. Theme from "Swane lake" P.I.Tchaikovsky  

  • Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate


    Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
    Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate

    Guitar 2 part of "10 Romantic Pieces". Collection of 10 easy pieces of the romantic period arranged by Francesco Leone and edited for Guitar Quartet by Giovanni Pattavina, very useful for recital of students of the first courses (score and parts available in series). Scan QR code (in cover) for audio demo or visit product code: EG0908. contents: 1. Largo from “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák  2. Theme from "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini  3. Melody – A. Rubinstein  4. Soldier March – R. Schumann 5. The Great Gate of Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Theme from "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák 7. Theme from "Symphony n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Theme from "Symphony n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Theme from "Symphony n. 7" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 10. Theme from "Swane lake" P.I.Tchaikovsky  

  • Guitar 3 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate


    Guitar 3 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
    Guitar 3 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate

    Guitar 3 part of  "10 Romantic Pieces". Collection of 10 easy pieces of the romantic period arranged by Francesco Leone and edited for Guitar Quartet by Giovanni Pattavina, very useful for recital of students of the first courses (score and parts available in series). Scan QR code (in cover) for audio demo or visit product code: EG0908. contents: 1. Largo from “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák  2. Theme from "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini  3. Melody – A. Rubinstein  4. Soldier March – R. Schumann 5. The Great Gate of Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Theme from "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák 7. Theme from "Symphony n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Theme from "Symphony n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Theme from "Symphony n. 7" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 10. Theme from "Swane lake" P.I.Tchaikovsky  

  • Guitar 4 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate


    Guitar 4 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate
    Guitar 4 part of "10 Romantic Pieces" for Guitar Quartet: easy for beginner / intermediate

    Chitarra 4 parte di "10 pezzi romantici". Raccolta di 10 brani facili del periodo romantico arrangiati da Francesco Leone e curati per Quartetto di chitarre da Giovanni Pattavina, utilissimi per il recital degli allievi dei primi corsi (partitura e parti disponibili in collana). Contiene informazioni sugli autori in inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, portoghese, italiano, coreano, giapponese e cinese. Scansiona il codice QR (in copertina) per la demo audio o visita codice prodotto: EG0908. contenuti: 1. Largo da “New World Simphony” – A. Dvorák 2. Tema da "Le Streghe" - N.Paganini 3. Melodia – A. Rubinstein 4. Marcia del Soldato – R. Schumann 5. La Grande Porta di Kiev - M. Mussorgsky 6. Tema da "New World Symphony" (IV mov.) - A. Dvorák7. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 1" (IV mov.) - J. Brahms 8. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 5" (II mov.) - L. van Beethoven 9. Tema da "Sinfonia n. 7" (II mov.) .) - L. van Beethoven 10. Tema da "Il lago dei cigni" PITchaikovsky  

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