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Jessica part 5: The Jessca Series, #5
The University Years The new complete and Unabridged version by Alicia Bouchard in Collaboration with Terrence Aubrey: The Jessca Series, #2
Ebook series2 titles

The Jessca Series

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About this series

Through the experiences and joyful fun that Jessica had enjoyed within Henri's Paris club she'd come to a decision that would determine the direction of her life for years to come. Not only was she determined to replicate Henri's Paris club but expand upon it. She intended to build and create a holiday resort with a difference, a holiday resort where the enjoyment of sex was a near certainty rather than an aspiration.  Haley would be her travel companion and at Henri's insistence Charles, one of his doormen come bouncer would accompany her as her bodyguard and minder. Inevitably the three of them became close during their travels and with Charles intimately so. For Charles his task as Jessica's body guard and by implication Haley's too quickly evolved to become a dream task, a wet dream.

Release dateMay 24, 2019
Jessica part 5: The Jessca Series, #5
The University Years The new complete and Unabridged version by Alicia Bouchard in Collaboration with Terrence Aubrey: The Jessca Series, #2

Titles in the series (2)

  • The University Years The new complete and Unabridged version by Alicia Bouchard in Collaboration with Terrence Aubrey: The Jessca Series, #2


    The University Years The new complete and Unabridged version by Alicia Bouchard in Collaboration with Terrence Aubrey: The Jessca Series, #2
    The University Years The new complete and Unabridged version by Alicia Bouchard in Collaboration with Terrence Aubrey: The Jessca Series, #2

    Jessica and her growing group of friends set off upon an adventure to Paris, France. This was no run of the mill adventure. A French waiter from a nearby café in Chelsea London gave Jessica the names of three sexually liberal clubs in Paris. He chose not to mention that arguably the most up-market and successful one, Henri's was owned and run by his uncle.  It was a club devoted to consensual sex and with little off limits. The clients were invariably wealthy and in many respect the pillars of French society that demanded and were given a safe haven in which to make real their fantasies. Their time within Henri's club was about to change Jessica's life and dramatically so she was blissfully unaware of, though not for long.

  • Jessica part 5: The Jessca Series, #5


    Jessica part 5: The Jessca Series, #5
    Jessica part 5: The Jessca Series, #5

    Through the experiences and joyful fun that Jessica had enjoyed within Henri's Paris club she'd come to a decision that would determine the direction of her life for years to come. Not only was she determined to replicate Henri's Paris club but expand upon it. She intended to build and create a holiday resort with a difference, a holiday resort where the enjoyment of sex was a near certainty rather than an aspiration.  Haley would be her travel companion and at Henri's insistence Charles, one of his doormen come bouncer would accompany her as her bodyguard and minder. Inevitably the three of them became close during their travels and with Charles intimately so. For Charles his task as Jessica's body guard and by implication Haley's too quickly evolved to become a dream task, a wet dream.

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