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English Telugu Bible
English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848
English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910
Ebook series30 titles

Parallel Bible Halseth Series

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this series

This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and La Sankta Biblio (1926) and Lutherbibel (1912) translation. It has 210,929 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible.

It includes World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio and Lutherbibel formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the web-esp-gerlut order. It also includes the World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio and Lutherbibel, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology.

How the general Bible-navigation works:

  • A Testament has an index of its books.
  • The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index.
  • The Testaments reference each other in the book index.
  • Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to.
  • Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book.
  • Each book has an index of its chapters.
  • Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to.
  • Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter.
  • Each chapter has an index of its verses.
  • Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format.
  • Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to.
  • Each verse starts on a new line for better readability.
  • In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown.
  • Any reference in an index brings you to the location.
  • The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats.

The combination of World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio and Lutherbibel and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both.

Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

Release dateMar 2, 2017
English Telugu Bible
English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848
English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910

Titles in the series (100)

  • English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910


    English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910
    English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910

    This publication contains Bible in Basic English (1949) and Louis Segond (1910) translation. It has 173,745 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the bbe-lsg order. It also includes the Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • English Telugu Bible


    English Telugu Bible
    English Telugu Bible

    This contains The World English Bible (2000) and Telugu Bible (1880) translation. It has 173,716 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It is approximately 4 times the length of The World English Bible (2000) (WEB). It includes a full copy of World English Bible and Telugu Bible formatted in a Study and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the web-tel order. Then a full copy of both the World English Bible and Telugu Bible, tailored Text-To-Speech (TTS) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Old and New Testament has an index of its books. The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament. The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Menu reference all books within the given Bible formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of World English Bible and Telugu Bible and its navigation makes this ebook unique. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The primary language in this ebook is English.

  • English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848


    English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848
    English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848

    This publication contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Almeida Recebida (1848) translation. It has 173,773 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes King James Bible and Almeida Recebida formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-par order. It also includes the King James Bible and Almeida Recebida, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of King James Bible and Almeida Recebida and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912


    Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912
    Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912

    Denne publikasjonen inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Lutherbibel (1912) og har totalt 174,017 referanser. Den inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Lutherbibel (1912). I tillegg til dette har den også en frittstående kopi av hver bibeloversettelse på et lesevennlig tekst-til-tale (TTS) format. Hvis enheten din ikke har tekst-til-tale så vit at disse også egner seg helt ypperlig til å leses ifra. I det første formatet med den parallelle Bibelen tar vi ett vers fra hver oversettelse om gangen. Først vises det ene verset fra første oversettelsen fulgt av det samme verset i den andre oversettelsen og så videre. Versene vises i denne rekkefølgen: nor1930-gerlut Det første formatet er navigasjonsvennlig. Det andre formatet er tekst-til-tale (Text-To-Speech - TTS) og lesevennlig. Det første formatet har en enkel, men elegant navigasjon Navigasjonen fungerer slik: Gamle og Nye Testamentet har en indeks over alle bøkene sine. Det Gamle Testamente har en referanse til Det Nye Testamente. Det Nye Testamente har en referanse til Det Gamle Testamente. hver bok har en referanse til det Testamentet det tilhører. Hver bok har en referanse til forrige og neste bok. Hver bok har en indeks over kapitlene sine. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til boken det tilhører. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til forrige og neste kapittel. Hvert kapittel har en indeks av sine vers. Hvert vers er nummerert og har en referanse til kapittelet det tilhører. Hvert vers starter på en ny linje for å bedre lesbarheten. Menyen har en index over alle Testamenter og bøker. En gitt referanse i en indeks bringer deg til målet det angir. Vi har jobbet hardt for å gjøre navigasjonen enkel og intuitiv, men samtidig solid og funksjonell. Det er en velsignelse å ha muligheten til å jobbe med Guds ord på denne måten. Vi gleder oss over å kunne ta del i distribusjonen av det mest fantastiske skriftet gjennom alle tider, Bibelen. Det andre formatet er tilrettelagt Tekst-til-tale hvis enheten din støtter dette! Her kan du få Bibelen lest opp til deg. Eller kanskje du foretrekker å lese eBibelen med så lite ekstranoter som mulig. Navigasjonen er ellers ganske lik det første formatet og den viktigste endringen er at vi har fjernet vers nummerering og vers indeksen ved starten av hvert nytt kapittel. Og vi har også kopiert kapittel indeksen til starten av gamle og Det nye testamente. Denne eBibelen inneholder flere format av samme eller forskjellig Bibler. Hvert format av Bibelen er fri og tilgjengelig på Internett, men formatet i denne eBoken er ganske unikt. Vi kjenner ikke til noen andre som har satt sammen en publikasjon som denne med disse egenskapene. Takk! for at du støtter vår evangeliske tjeneste med å spre evangeliet til både troende og ikke troende. Vær obs på at ikke alle enheter støtter TTS (tekst-til-tale) for mer enn ett språk. All ære til Gud for Hans ord er sannhet!

  • Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921


    Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921
    Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921

    Denne publikasjonen inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Studentmållagsbibelen (1921) og har totalt 173,996 referanser. Den inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Studentmållagsbibelen (1921). I tillegg til dette har den også en frittstående kopi av hver bibeloversettelse på et lesevennlig tekst-til-tale (TTS) format. Hvis enheten din ikke har tekst-til-tale så vit at disse også egner seg helt ypperlig til å leses ifra. I det første formatet med den parallelle Bibelen tar vi ett vers fra hver oversettelse om gangen. Først vises det ene verset fra første oversettelsen fulgt av det samme verset i den andre oversettelsen og så videre. Versene vises i denne rekkefølgen: nor1930-nyn Det første formatet er navigasjonsvennlig. Det andre formatet er tekst-til-tale (Text-To-Speech - TTS) og lesevennlig. Det første formatet har en enkel, men elegant navigasjon Navigasjonen fungerer slik: Gamle og Nye Testamentet har en indeks over alle bøkene sine. Det Gamle Testamente har en referanse til Det Nye Testamente. Det Nye Testamente har en referanse til Det Gamle Testamente. hver bok har en referanse til det Testamentet det tilhører. Hver bok har en referanse til forrige og neste bok. Hver bok har en indeks over kapitlene sine. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til boken det tilhører. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til forrige og neste kapittel. Hvert kapittel har en indeks av sine vers. Hvert vers er nummerert og har en referanse til kapittelet det tilhører. Hvert vers starter på en ny linje for å bedre lesbarheten. Menyen har en index over alle Testamenter og bøker. En gitt referanse i en indeks bringer deg til målet det angir. Vi har jobbet hardt for å gjøre navigasjonen enkel og intuitiv, men samtidig solid og funksjonell. Det er en velsignelse å ha muligheten til å jobbe med Guds ord på denne måten. Vi gleder oss over å kunne ta del i distribusjonen av det mest fantastiske skriftet gjennom alle tider, Bibelen. Det andre formatet er tilrettelagt Tekst-til-tale hvis enheten din støtter dette! Her kan du få Bibelen lest opp til deg. Eller kanskje du foretrekker å lese eBibelen med så lite ekstranoter som mulig. Navigasjonen er ellers ganske lik det første formatet og den viktigste endringen er at vi har fjernet vers nummerering og vers indeksen ved starten av hvert nytt kapittel. Og vi har også kopiert kapittel indeksen til starten av gamle og Det nye testamente. Denne eBibelen inneholder flere format av samme eller forskjellig Bibler. Hvert format av Bibelen er fri og tilgjengelig på Internett, men formatet i denne eBoken er ganske unikt. Vi kjenner ikke til noen andre som har satt sammen en publikasjon som denne med disse egenskapene. Takk! for at du støtter vår evangeliske tjeneste med å spre evangeliet til både troende og ikke troende. Vær obs på at ikke alle enheter støtter TTS (tekst-til-tale) for mer enn ett språk. All ære til Gud for Hans ord er sannhet!

  • English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926


    English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926
    English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926

    This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and La Sankta Biblio (1926) translation. It has 173,772 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the web-esp order. It also includes the World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848


    English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848
    English Portuguese Bible No1: King James Bible 1611 - Almeida Recebida 1848

    This publication contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Almeida Recebida (1848) translation. It has 173,773 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes King James Bible and Almeida Recebida formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-par order. It also includes the King James Bible and Almeida Recebida, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of King James Bible and Almeida Recebida and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921


    Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921
    Norsk Nynorsk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Studentmållagsbibelen 1921

    Denne publikasjonen inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Studentmållagsbibelen (1921) og har totalt 173,996 referanser. Den inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Studentmållagsbibelen (1921). I tillegg til dette har den også en frittstående kopi av hver bibeloversettelse på et lesevennlig tekst-til-tale (TTS) format. Hvis enheten din ikke har tekst-til-tale så vit at disse også egner seg helt ypperlig til å leses ifra. I det første formatet med den parallelle Bibelen tar vi ett vers fra hver oversettelse om gangen. Først vises det ene verset fra første oversettelsen fulgt av det samme verset i den andre oversettelsen og så videre. Versene vises i denne rekkefølgen: nor1930-nyn Det første formatet er navigasjonsvennlig. Det andre formatet er tekst-til-tale (Text-To-Speech - TTS) og lesevennlig. Det første formatet har en enkel, men elegant navigasjon Navigasjonen fungerer slik: Gamle og Nye Testamentet har en indeks over alle bøkene sine. Det Gamle Testamente har en referanse til Det Nye Testamente. Det Nye Testamente har en referanse til Det Gamle Testamente. hver bok har en referanse til det Testamentet det tilhører. Hver bok har en referanse til forrige og neste bok. Hver bok har en indeks over kapitlene sine. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til boken det tilhører. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til forrige og neste kapittel. Hvert kapittel har en indeks av sine vers. Hvert vers er nummerert og har en referanse til kapittelet det tilhører. Hvert vers starter på en ny linje for å bedre lesbarheten. Menyen har en index over alle Testamenter og bøker. En gitt referanse i en indeks bringer deg til målet det angir. Vi har jobbet hardt for å gjøre navigasjonen enkel og intuitiv, men samtidig solid og funksjonell. Det er en velsignelse å ha muligheten til å jobbe med Guds ord på denne måten. Vi gleder oss over å kunne ta del i distribusjonen av det mest fantastiske skriftet gjennom alle tider, Bibelen. Det andre formatet er tilrettelagt Tekst-til-tale hvis enheten din støtter dette! Her kan du få Bibelen lest opp til deg. Eller kanskje du foretrekker å lese eBibelen med så lite ekstranoter som mulig. Navigasjonen er ellers ganske lik det første formatet og den viktigste endringen er at vi har fjernet vers nummerering og vers indeksen ved starten av hvert nytt kapittel. Og vi har også kopiert kapittel indeksen til starten av gamle og Det nye testamente. Denne eBibelen inneholder flere format av samme eller forskjellig Bibler. Hvert format av Bibelen er fri og tilgjengelig på Internett, men formatet i denne eBoken er ganske unikt. Vi kjenner ikke til noen andre som har satt sammen en publikasjon som denne med disse egenskapene. Takk! for at du støtter vår evangeliske tjeneste med å spre evangeliet til både troende og ikke troende. Vær obs på at ikke alle enheter støtter TTS (tekst-til-tale) for mer enn ett språk. All ære til Gud for Hans ord er sannhet!

  • English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912


    English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912
    English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912

    This publication contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Lutherbibel (1912) translation. It has 173,772 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes King James Bible and Lutherbibel formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-gerlut order. It also includes the King James Bible and Lutherbibel, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of King James Bible and Lutherbibel and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926


    English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926
    English Esperanto Bible No2: World English Bible 2000 - La Sankta Biblio 1926

    This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and La Sankta Biblio (1926) translation. It has 173,772 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the web-esp order. It also includes the World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of World English Bible and La Sankta Biblio and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912


    Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912
    Norsk Tysk Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Lutherbibel 1912

    Denne publikasjonen inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Lutherbibel (1912) og har totalt 174,017 referanser. Den inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Lutherbibel (1912). I tillegg til dette har den også en frittstående kopi av hver bibeloversettelse på et lesevennlig tekst-til-tale (TTS) format. Hvis enheten din ikke har tekst-til-tale så vit at disse også egner seg helt ypperlig til å leses ifra. I det første formatet med den parallelle Bibelen tar vi ett vers fra hver oversettelse om gangen. Først vises det ene verset fra første oversettelsen fulgt av det samme verset i den andre oversettelsen og så videre. Versene vises i denne rekkefølgen: nor1930-gerlut Det første formatet er navigasjonsvennlig. Det andre formatet er tekst-til-tale (Text-To-Speech - TTS) og lesevennlig. Det første formatet har en enkel, men elegant navigasjon Navigasjonen fungerer slik: Gamle og Nye Testamentet har en indeks over alle bøkene sine. Det Gamle Testamente har en referanse til Det Nye Testamente. Det Nye Testamente har en referanse til Det Gamle Testamente. hver bok har en referanse til det Testamentet det tilhører. Hver bok har en referanse til forrige og neste bok. Hver bok har en indeks over kapitlene sine. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til boken det tilhører. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til forrige og neste kapittel. Hvert kapittel har en indeks av sine vers. Hvert vers er nummerert og har en referanse til kapittelet det tilhører. Hvert vers starter på en ny linje for å bedre lesbarheten. Menyen har en index over alle Testamenter og bøker. En gitt referanse i en indeks bringer deg til målet det angir. Vi har jobbet hardt for å gjøre navigasjonen enkel og intuitiv, men samtidig solid og funksjonell. Det er en velsignelse å ha muligheten til å jobbe med Guds ord på denne måten. Vi gleder oss over å kunne ta del i distribusjonen av det mest fantastiske skriftet gjennom alle tider, Bibelen. Det andre formatet er tilrettelagt Tekst-til-tale hvis enheten din støtter dette! Her kan du få Bibelen lest opp til deg. Eller kanskje du foretrekker å lese eBibelen med så lite ekstranoter som mulig. Navigasjonen er ellers ganske lik det første formatet og den viktigste endringen er at vi har fjernet vers nummerering og vers indeksen ved starten av hvert nytt kapittel. Og vi har også kopiert kapittel indeksen til starten av gamle og Det nye testamente. Denne eBibelen inneholder flere format av samme eller forskjellig Bibler. Hvert format av Bibelen er fri og tilgjengelig på Internett, men formatet i denne eBoken er ganske unikt. Vi kjenner ikke til noen andre som har satt sammen en publikasjon som denne med disse egenskapene. Takk! for at du støtter vår evangeliske tjeneste med å spre evangeliet til både troende og ikke troende. Vær obs på at ikke alle enheter støtter TTS (tekst-til-tale) for mer enn ett språk. All ære til Gud for Hans ord er sannhet!

  • English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910


    English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910
    English French Bible No1: Bible in Basic English 1949 - Louis Segond 1910

    This publication contains Bible in Basic English (1949) and Louis Segond (1910) translation. It has 173,745 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the bbe-lsg order. It also includes the Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of Bible in Basic English and Louis Segond and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912


    English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912
    English German Bible No1: King James 1611 - Lutherbibel 1912

    This publication contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Lutherbibel (1912) translation. It has 173,772 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes King James Bible and Lutherbibel formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-gerlut order. It also includes the King James Bible and Lutherbibel, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of King James Bible and Lutherbibel and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Norsk Thai Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Thai KJV 2003


    Norsk Thai Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Thai KJV 2003
    Norsk Thai Bibel: Bibelen 1930 - Thai KJV 2003

    Denne publikasjonen inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Thai from KJV (2003) og har totalt 174,018 referanser. Den inneholder Bibelen (1930) og Thai from KJV (2003). I tillegg til dette har den også en frittstående kopi av hver bibeloversettelse på et lesevennlig tekst-til-tale (TTS) format. Hvis enheten din ikke har tekst-til-tale så vit at disse også egner seg helt ypperlig til å leses ifra. I det første formatet med den parallelle Bibelen tar vi ett vers fra hver oversettelse om gangen. Først vises det ene verset fra første oversettelsen fulgt av det samme verset i den andre oversettelsen og så videre. Versene vises i denne rekkefølgen: nor1930-thai Det første formatet er navigasjonsvennlig. Det andre formatet er tekst-til-tale (Text-To-Speech - TTS) og lesevennlig. Det første formatet har en enkel, men elegant navigasjon Navigasjonen fungerer slik: Gamle og Nye Testamentet har en indeks over alle bøkene sine. Det Gamle Testamente har en referanse til Det Nye Testamente. Det Nye Testamente har en referanse til Det Gamle Testamente. hver bok har en referanse til det Testamentet det tilhører. Hver bok har en referanse til forrige og neste bok. Hver bok har en indeks over kapitlene sine. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til boken det tilhører. Hvert kapittel har en referanse til forrige og neste kapittel. Hvert kapittel har en indeks av sine vers. Hvert vers er nummerert og har en referanse til kapittelet det tilhører. Hvert vers starter på en ny linje for å bedre lesbarheten. Menyen har en index over alle Testamenter og bøker. En gitt referanse i en indeks bringer deg til målet det angir. Vi har jobbet hardt for å gjøre navigasjonen enkel og intuitiv, men samtidig solid og funksjonell. Det er en velsignelse å ha muligheten til å jobbe med Guds ord på denne måten. Vi gleder oss over å kunne ta del i distribusjonen av det mest fantastiske skriftet gjennom alle tider, Bibelen. Det andre formatet er tilrettelagt Tekst-til-tale hvis enheten din støtter dette! Her kan du få Bibelen lest opp til deg. Eller kanskje du foretrekker å lese eBibelen med så lite ekstranoter som mulig. Navigasjonen er ellers ganske lik det første formatet og den viktigste endringen er at vi har fjernet vers nummerering og vers indeksen ved starten av hvert nytt kapittel. Og vi har også kopiert kapittel indeksen til starten av gamle og Det nye testamente. Denne eBibelen inneholder flere format av samme eller forskjellig Bibler. Hvert format av Bibelen er fri og tilgjengelig på Internett, men formatet i denne eBoken er ganske unikt. Vi kjenner ikke til noen andre som har satt sammen en publikasjon som denne med disse egenskapene. Takk! for at du støtter vår evangeliske tjeneste med å spre evangeliet til både troende og ikke troende. Vær obs på at ikke alle enheter støtter TTS (tekst-til-tale) for mer enn ett språk. All ære til Gud for Hans ord er sannhet!

  • English Tagalog Bible: Basic Bible in English - Tagalog 1905


    English Tagalog Bible: Basic Bible in English - Tagalog 1905
    English Tagalog Bible: Basic Bible in English - Tagalog 1905

    This publication contains Bible in Basic English (1949) and Ang Biblia (1905) translation. It has 173,745 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes Bible in Basic English and Ang Biblia formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the bbe-tgl order. It also includes the Bible in Basic English and Ang Biblia, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of Bible in Basic English and Ang Biblia and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Français Esperanto Bible: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926


    Français Esperanto Bible: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926
    Français Esperanto Bible: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926

    Ceci contient la traduction Louis Segond (1910) et La Sankta Biblio (1926). Il a 173,721 sources. Il contient 2 formats différents de la Bible. Il est environ 4 fois la taille de La Louis Segond (1910) (LSG). Il inclut un exemplaire complet de Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio formaté d'un format adapté pour les Études et la Navigation ou le format "navi" en bref. Ici vous allez trouver chaque verset imprimé dans l'ordre lsg-esp. Puis, il y a aussi un exemplaire complet de both la Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio, Text-To-Speech (TTS) technologie de logiciels personnalisée. Comment marche la navigation générale de la Bible: L'Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament ont un index de leurs livres. L'Ancien Testament a une source au Nouveau Testament. Le Nouveau Testament a une source à l'Ancien Testament. Chaque livre a une source au Testament auquel il appartient. Chaque livre a une source au livre précédent et/ou suivant. Chaque livre a un index de ses chapitres. Chaque chapitre a une source au livre auquel il appartient. Chaque chapitre fait référence au chapitre précédent et/ou suivant. Chaque chapitre a un index de ses versets Chaque verset est numéroté et fait référence au chapitre auquel il appartient. Chaque verset commence sur une nouvelle ligne pour meilleure lisibilité. N'importe quelle source dans un index s'amène au point. Le Menu fait référence à tous les livre dans le cadre des formats donnés de la Bible. Nous voulions un procès de navigation fluide et nous avons réussi. Il est facile à comprendre, intuitif et il rend n'importe quel verset de la Bible à quelques-uns de clics. La combinaison de Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio et sa navigation rend unique ce livre électronique. Il faut mentionner que le soutien du Text-To-Speech (TTS) varie de l'un appareil à l'autre. Certains appareils ne le soutiennent pas. Des autres ne soutiennent qu'une langue, lorsque des autres en soutiennent beaucoup. La langue principale dans ce livre électronique est French.

  • English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611


    English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611
    English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611

    This contains The New Heart English Bible (2010) and Karoli (1589) and King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) translation. It has 192,733 references. It is approximately 3 times the length of The New Heart English Bible (2010) (NHEB). It includes a full copy of New Heart English Bible and Karoli and King James Bible formatted in a Study and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the nheb-kar-kjb order. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Old and New Testament has an index of its books. The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament. The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Menu reference all books within the given Bible formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of New Heart English Bible and Karoli and King James Bible and its navigation makes this ebook unique.

  • English Spanish Bibel: New Heart English 2010 - Reina Valera 1909


    English Spanish Bibel: New Heart English 2010 - Reina Valera 1909
    English Spanish Bibel: New Heart English 2010 - Reina Valera 1909

    This contains The New Heart English Bible (2010) and Reina Valera (1909) translation. It has 173,721 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It is approximately 4 times the length of The New Heart English Bible (2010) (NHEB). It includes a full copy of New Heart English Bible and Reina Valera formatted in a Study and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the nheb-rv1909 order. Then a full copy of both the New Heart English Bible and Reina Valera, tailored Text-To-Speech (TTS) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Old and New Testament has an index of its books. The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament. The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Menu reference all books within the given Bible formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of New Heart English Bible and Reina Valera and its navigation makes this ebook unique. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The primary language in this ebook is English.

  • English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611


    English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611
    English Hungarian Bible: New Heart English 2010 - Karoli 1589 - King James 1611

    This contains The New Heart English Bible (2010) and Karoli (1589) and King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) translation. It has 192,733 references. It is approximately 3 times the length of The New Heart English Bible (2010) (NHEB). It includes a full copy of New Heart English Bible and Karoli and King James Bible formatted in a Study and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the nheb-kar-kjb order. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Old and New Testament has an index of its books. The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament. The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Menu reference all books within the given Bible formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of New Heart English Bible and Karoli and King James Bible and its navigation makes this ebook unique.

  • Español Noruego Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Bibelen 1930


    Español Noruego Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Bibelen 1930
    Español Noruego Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Bibelen 1930

    Esta traducción contiene la Reina Valera (1909) y Bibelen (1930). Tiene 173,696 referencias. Contiene 2 diferentes formatos de la Biblia. Es aproximadamente 4 veces el tamaño de la Reina Valera (1909) (RV1909). Incluye una copia completa de Reina Valera y Bibelen con el formato amigable de Estudio y Navegación, o el "navi" formato corto. Aquí usted encontrará cada versículo impreso en el orden rv1909-nor1930 Una copia completa de y de el Reina Valera y Bibelen, se han adaptado a Text-To-Speech (TTS) y su tecnología de software. Cómo trabaja la navegación general de la Biblia: El Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento tienen un índice de sus libros. El Antiguo Testamento tiene una referencia al Nuevo Testamento. El Nuevo Testamento tiene una referencia al Antiguo Testamento. Cada libro tiene una referencia al Testamento al que pertenece. Cada libro tiene una referencia al libro siguiente y/o al anterior. Cada libro tiene un índice de sus capítulos. Cada capítulo tiene una referencia al libro al que pertenece. Cada capítulo referencia el capítulo anterior y/o el siguiente. Cada capítulo tiene un índice de sus versículos. Cada versículo está numerado y tiene la referencia del capítulo al que pertenece. Cada versículo inicia en una nueva línea para mejor lectura. Cualquier referencia en un índice lo lleva al lugar exacto. El Menú referencia todos los libros en un dado formato de Biblia. Deseábamos una navegación que funcionara de una buena manera y hemos alcanzado lo que deseábamos. Es fácil de manejar, intuitiva y pone cualquier versículo de la Biblia a la vista en pocos clics. La combinación de Reina Valera y Bibelen y su navegación hacen de este libro electrónico uno único. Por favor tome en cuenta que Text-To-Speech (TTS) soporta varios formatos en los distintos dispositivos. Algunos dipositivos no lo soportan. Otros soportan únicamente un idioma y otros soportan varios idiomas. El idioma primario en este libro electrónico es Spanish.

  • English Tamil Parallel Bible: King James 1611 - Tamil Bible 1868


    English Tamil Parallel Bible: King James 1611 - Tamil Bible 1868
    English Tamil Parallel Bible: King James 1611 - Tamil Bible 1868

    This publication contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Tamil Bible (1868) translation. It has 173,772 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes King James Bible and Tamil Bible formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-tam order. It also includes the King James Bible and Tamil Bible, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of King James Bible and Tamil Bible and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • English Telugu Bible


    English Telugu Bible
    English Telugu Bible

    This contains The World English Bible (2000) and Telugu Bible (1880) translation. It has 173,716 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It is approximately 4 times the length of The World English Bible (2000) (WEB). It includes a full copy of World English Bible and Telugu Bible formatted in a Study and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the web-tel order. Then a full copy of both the World English Bible and Telugu Bible, tailored Text-To-Speech (TTS) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Old and New Testament has an index of its books. The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament. The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Menu reference all books within the given Bible formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of World English Bible and Telugu Bible and its navigation makes this ebook unique. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The primary language in this ebook is English.

  • Bible Français Espéranto: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926


    Bible Français Espéranto: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926
    Bible Français Espéranto: Louis Segond 1910 - La Sankta Biblio 1926

    Ceci contient la traduction Louis Segond (1910) et La Sankta Biblio (1926). Il a 173,721 sources. Il contient 2 formats différents de la Bible. Il est environ 4 fois la taille de La Louis Segond (1910) (LSG). Il inclut un exemplaire complet de Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio formaté d'un format adapté pour les Études et la Navigation ou le format "navi" en bref. Ici vous allez trouver chaque verset imprimé dans l'ordre lsg-esp. Puis, il y a aussi un exemplaire complet de both la Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio, Text-To-Speech (TTS) technologie de logiciels personnalisée. Comment marche la navigation générale de la Bible: L'Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament ont un index de leurs livres. L'Ancien Testament a une source au Nouveau Testament. Le Nouveau Testament a une source à l'Ancien Testament. Chaque livre a une source au Testament auquel il appartient. Chaque livre a une source au livre précédent et/ou suivant. Chaque livre a un index de ses chapitres. Chaque chapitre a une source au livre auquel il appartient. Chaque chapitre fait référence au chapitre précédent et/ou suivant. Chaque chapitre a un index de ses versets Chaque verset est numéroté et fait référence au chapitre auquel il appartient. Chaque verset commence sur une nouvelle ligne pour meilleure lisibilité. N'importe quelle source dans un index s'amène au point. Le Menu fait référence à tous les livre dans le cadre des formats donnés de la Bible. Nous voulions un procès de navigation fluide et nous avons réussi. Il est facile à comprendre, intuitif et il rend n'importe quel verset de la Bible à quelques-uns de clics. La combinaison de Louis Segond et La Sankta Biblio et sa navigation rend unique ce livre électronique. Il faut mentionner que le soutien du Text-To-Speech (TTS) varie de l'un appareil à l'autre. Certains appareils ne le soutiennent pas. Des autres ne soutiennent qu'une langue, lorsque des autres en soutiennent beaucoup. La langue principale dans ce livre électronique est French.

  • Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010


    Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010
    Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010

    Esta traducción contiene la Reina Valera (1909) (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) y New Heart English Bible (2010) (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento). Tiene 173,717 referencias. Contiene 2 diferentes formatos de la Biblia. Es aproximadamente 4 veces el tamaño de la Reina Valera (1909) (RV1909). Incluye una copia completa de (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible con el formato amigable de Estudio y Navegación, o el "navi" formato corto. Aquí usted encontrará cada versículo impreso en el orden rv1909-nheb Una copia completa de (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) y de el Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible, se han adaptado a Text-To-Speech (TTS) y su tecnología de software. Cómo trabaja la navegación general de la Biblia: El Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento tienen un índice de sus libros. El Antiguo Testamento tiene una referencia al Nuevo Testamento. El Nuevo Testamento tiene una referencia al Antiguo Testamento. Cada libro tiene una referencia al Testamento al que pertenece. Cada libro tiene una referencia al libro siguiente y/o al anterior. Cada libro tiene un índice de sus capítulos. Cada capítulo tiene una referencia al libro al que pertenece. Cada capítulo referencia el capítulo anterior y/o el siguiente. Cada capítulo tiene un índice de sus versículos. Cada versículo está numerado y tiene la referencia del capítulo al que pertenece. Cada versículo inicia en una nueva línea para mejor lectura. Cualquier referencia en un índice lo lleva al lugar exacto. El Menú referencia todos los libros en un dado formato de Biblia. Deseábamos una navegación que funcionara de una buena manera y hemos alcanzado lo que deseábamos. Es fácil de manejar, intuitiva y pone cualquier versículo de la Biblia a la vista en pocos clics. La combinación de Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible y su navegación hacen de este libro electrónico uno único. Por favor tome en cuenta que Text-To-Speech (TTS) soporta varios formatos en los distintos dispositivos. Algunos dipositivos no lo soportan. Otros soportan únicamente un idioma y otros soportan varios idiomas. El idioma primario en este libro electrónico es Spanish.

  • English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003


    English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003
    English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003

    This contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Thai from KJV (2003) translation. It has 173,717 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It is approximately 4 times the length of The King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) (KJB). It includes King James Bible and Thai from KJV formatted in a Reading and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-thai order. Then both the King James Bible and Thai from KJV , tailored Text-To-Speech (TTS) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Testament has an index of its books. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in "Navi". Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of King James Bible and Thai from KJV and its navigation makes this ebook unique. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The primary language in this ebook is English.

  • English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003


    English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003
    English Thai Bible: King James 1611 - Thai KJV 2003

    This contains King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) and Thai from KJV (2003) translation. It has 173,717 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It is approximately 4 times the length of The King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version) (KJB). It includes King James Bible and Thai from KJV formatted in a Reading and Navigation friendly format, or the "navi" format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the kjb-thai order. Then both the King James Bible and Thai from KJV , tailored Text-To-Speech (TTS) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: The Testament has an index of its books. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in "Navi". Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. We wanted a navigation that worked beautifully and we have achieved what we hoped for. It is easy to handle, intuitive and it puts any verse in The Bible just a few clicks away. The combination of King James Bible and Thai from KJV and its navigation makes this ebook unique. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The primary language in this ebook is English.

  • English Finnish Bible: New Heart English Bible 2010 - Pyhä Raamattu 1938


    English Finnish Bible: New Heart English Bible 2010 - Pyhä Raamattu 1938
    English Finnish Bible: New Heart English Bible 2010 - Pyhä Raamattu 1938

    This publication contains New Heart English Bible (2010) and Pyhä Raamattu (1938) translation. It has 173,761 references. It contains 2 different formats of the Bible. It includes New Heart English Bible and Pyhä Raamattu formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each verse printed in the nheb-r1938 order. It also includes the New Heart English Bible and Pyhä Raamattu, tailored Text-To-Speech (tts) software technology. How the general Bible-navigation works: A Testament has an index of its books. The TTS format lists books and chapters after the book index. The Testaments reference each other in the book index. Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to. Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book. Each book has an index of its chapters. Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to. Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter. Each chapter has an index of its verses. Each chapter in TTS reference same chapter in the Navi-format. Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to. Each verse starts on a new line for better readability. In the TTS format the verse numbers are not shown. Any reference in an index brings you to the location. The Built-in table of contents reference all books in all formats. The combination of New Heart English Bible and Pyhä Raamattu and its navigation makes this ebook unique. The navigation is solid and perfect for the quick lookup. Whether you are listening to a speech and need to keep up with the Bible references or just read the Bible, this is built for both. Note that Text-To-Speech (TTS) support varies from device to device. Some devices do not support it. Others support only one language and some support many languages. The language used for TTS in this ebook is English.

  • Türkçe Almanca İncİl: Türkçe İncil 1941 - Lutherbibel 1912


    Türkçe Almanca İncİl: Türkçe İncil 1941 - Lutherbibel 1912
    Türkçe Almanca İncİl: Türkçe İncil 1941 - Lutherbibel 1912

    Bu kitap Turkish Bible (1878) ve Lutherbibel (1912) İncilini içerir. Kitapta 173,717 referans ve 2 farklı İncil versiyonu bulunur. Bu yaklaşık olarak Turkish Bible (1878) (TUR) kitabından 4 kat büyüktür. Turkish Bible ve Lutherbibel kitabının ve Konuşma Yazıcı (TTS) teknolojisinin tüm kopyası da mevcuttur. İncilin asıl navigasyonu nasıl çalışır: Eski Ahit ve Yeni Ahit kitaplarının endeksleri vardır. Eski Ahit'in Yeni Ahid'e referansı vardır. Yeni Ahit Eski Ahid'e referansı vardır. Her kitabın ait olduğu Ahid'e referansı vardır. Her kitap önceki ve öteki kitap için referansı vardır. Her kitapta bölümlerine endeksi vardır. Her kitapta ait olduğu kitaba referansı vardır. Her bölümün önceki ve sonraki bölümler için referansı vardır. Her başlık kendi ayetlerinin endeksini içerir. Her ayedin numarası ve ait olduğu bölüme referansı vardır. Her ayet güzel okunması için yeni satırdan başlanır. Endeksteki herhangi referans Sizi adrese yönlendirir. Menü mevcut olan İncil versiyonlarına referansları vardır. Biz sağlam işsevliğini istiyorduk ve istediğimize ulaştık. Kitap kolayca ve sezgisel ayarlanır ve herhangi İncil ayetini bir kaç buton basma uzaklığında içerir. Turkish Bible ve Lutherbibel ve navigasyonu ile kombinasyonu bu elektronik kitabı benzersiz yapar. Konuşma Yazıcı (TTS) fonksiyonu cihazdan cihaza değişir. Bazı cihazlar bu fonksiyonu desteklememektedir. Bazıları sadece bir dil destekler, ötekileri birden fazla dil desteklemektedir. Kitabın anadili Turkish.

  • Español Francés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Louis Segond 1910


    Español Francés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Louis Segond 1910
    Español Francés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - Louis Segond 1910

    Esta traducción contiene la Reina Valera (1909) y Louis Segond (1910). Tiene 173,717 referencias. Contiene 2 diferentes formatos de la Biblia. Es aproximadamente 4 veces el tamaño de la Reina Valera (1909) (RV1909). Incluye una copia completa de Reina Valera y Louis Segond con el formato amigable de Estudio y Navegación, o el "navi" formato corto. Aquí usted encontrará cada versículo impreso en el orden rv1909-lsg Una copia completa de y de el Reina Valera y Louis Segond, se han adaptado a Text-To-Speech (TTS) y su tecnología de software. Cómo trabaja la navegación general de la Biblia: El Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento tienen un índice de sus libros. El Antiguo Testamento tiene una referencia al Nuevo Testamento. El Nuevo Testamento tiene una referencia al Antiguo Testamento. Cada libro tiene una referencia al Testamento al que pertenece. Cada libro tiene una referencia al libro siguiente y/o al anterior. Cada libro tiene un índice de sus capítulos. Cada capítulo tiene una referencia al libro al que pertenece. Cada capítulo referencia el capítulo anterior y/o el siguiente. Cada capítulo tiene un índice de sus versículos. Cada versículo está numerado y tiene la referencia del capítulo al que pertenece. Cada versículo inicia en una nueva línea para mejor lectura. Cualquier referencia en un índice lo lleva al lugar exacto. El Menú referencia todos los libros en un dado formato de Biblia. Deseábamos una navegación que funcionara de una buena manera y hemos alcanzado lo que deseábamos. Es fácil de manejar, intuitiva y pone cualquier versículo de la Biblia a la vista en pocos clics. La combinación de Reina Valera y Louis Segond y su navegación hacen de este libro electrónico uno único. Por favor tome en cuenta que Text-To-Speech (TTS) soporta varios formatos en los distintos dispositivos. Algunos dipositivos no lo soportan. Otros soportan únicamente un idioma y otros soportan varios idiomas. El idioma primario en este libro electrónico es Spanish.

  • Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010


    Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010
    Español Inglés Biblia: Reina Valera 1909 - New Heart English 2010

    Esta traducción contiene la Reina Valera (1909) (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) y New Heart English Bible (2010) (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento). Tiene 173,717 referencias. Contiene 2 diferentes formatos de la Biblia. Es aproximadamente 4 veces el tamaño de la Reina Valera (1909) (RV1909). Incluye una copia completa de (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible con el formato amigable de Estudio y Navegación, o el "navi" formato corto. Aquí usted encontrará cada versículo impreso en el orden rv1909-nheb Una copia completa de (El Antiguo Testamento y El Nuevo Testamento) y de el Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible, se han adaptado a Text-To-Speech (TTS) y su tecnología de software. Cómo trabaja la navegación general de la Biblia: El Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento tienen un índice de sus libros. El Antiguo Testamento tiene una referencia al Nuevo Testamento. El Nuevo Testamento tiene una referencia al Antiguo Testamento. Cada libro tiene una referencia al Testamento al que pertenece. Cada libro tiene una referencia al libro siguiente y/o al anterior. Cada libro tiene un índice de sus capítulos. Cada capítulo tiene una referencia al libro al que pertenece. Cada capítulo referencia el capítulo anterior y/o el siguiente. Cada capítulo tiene un índice de sus versículos. Cada versículo está numerado y tiene la referencia del capítulo al que pertenece. Cada versículo inicia en una nueva línea para mejor lectura. Cualquier referencia en un índice lo lleva al lugar exacto. El Menú referencia todos los libros en un dado formato de Biblia. Deseábamos una navegación que funcionara de una buena manera y hemos alcanzado lo que deseábamos. Es fácil de manejar, intuitiva y pone cualquier versículo de la Biblia a la vista en pocos clics. La combinación de Reina Valera y New Heart English Bible y su navegación hacen de este libro electrónico uno único. Por favor tome en cuenta que Text-To-Speech (TTS) soporta varios formatos en los distintos dispositivos. Algunos dipositivos no lo soportan. Otros soportan únicamente un idioma y otros soportan varios idiomas. El idioma primario en este libro electrónico es Spanish.

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