About this series
When Riley Doogan met Finn Dunraven in Journey, she knew she was attracted to him—who wouldn’t be?—but was afraid they were too different for a relationship to last. That was then.
In this action-packed sequel, it turns out Riley and Finn have a lot in common—and not all of it good. Both are confronted with family secrets that force them to re-evaluate who—and what—they are. Both discover they have untapped powers, but those powers come with a price. And when the secrets from the past explode, and take dirty politics to a new level of madness that threatens everything and everyone they know and love, they both must decide not whether, but how far, to tap into their powers—dark and light.
Titles in the series (43)
- Journey: Lesson 4 -The Mighty Act of God
This is the 4th lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson Chapter 1 covers the History relevant to the Exodus event, Chapter 2 presents some insights into the literature of the Exodus and Chapter Three presents another segment of the commentary on "Dei Verbum", The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation by the Second Vatican Council. There is also other selections from the book of Exodus which give insights into the character of Moses and on the meaning of the Manna episode which is found in the story of the Exodus.
- Journey: Lesson 6 - The Law
This is the sixth lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program. As the title suggest this is about the Law as found in the Torah especially in Leviticus , Numbers and Deuteronomy. Chapter 1 describes teh Purposes and Characteristics of the Law. Chapter 2 describes the type of response that the Law demands.Chapter 3 describes the scope of the and the ideal of the Law. Chapter 4 moves to the rights of property and dignity of life. Chapter 5 deals with Chapter two of "Dei Verbum".
- Journey-Lesson 1: Beginnings
This is the first lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program a series of 40 lessons covering all of the books of the Bible. This series follows the order of the books as presented in the Bible. This first lesson is a presentation of the creation stories and their meaning. There is an introduction to the first six lessons of Journey. The titles given to the chapters in the lesson give a good sense of the content. Chapter 1 is called "The Great Harmony". Chapter 2 is called "The Damaged Harmony" describing the development of sin in the human heart. Chapter 3 is called "The Collapse of Creation" and this is a description of how God dealt with sin and the consequences for humanity. Chapter 4 is entitled "The Required adjustments" . This moves us from the way God contended with sin to the way humanity has to contend with the new reality. Chapter 5 is called "the Division of the Nations and its Meaning".This is a description of how sin is expressed in mankind's relationships: with God,with the other sex, between brothers and sisters, between man and society.
- Journey-Lesson 2: The New Beginning
This is the second of the forty lessons in the Journey Bible Study Program written by Archbishop Marcel Gervais. In this lesson the author guides you the second part of the book of Genesis in which the Patriarchs are presented. Chapter 1 presents the story of Abraham. Abraham is shown to be a model of trust in god. Chapter 2 presents the story of Jabob. Jacob is revealed as the person of faith who struggles with God and wins. Chapter 3 presents the story of Joseph. Joseph is presented as the person of faith who uses his intelligence and talents to the benefit of not only his family but all of society.
- Journey-Lesson 3: Preparations For The Exodus
This is the third lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program. The chapters of this lesson are: chapter 1 -Oppression in Egypt, 2- The Leader and the Lord, 3- The Passover,4- the Teaching of the Church on the Bible. In this lesson we learn that God knows that his People are being oppressed in Egypt. We also learn how He prepared Moses his chosen leader by revealing Himself to him and teaching him what he is to do in Egypt. There is an interesting Appendix in which we learn how God's name as revealed to Moses as been treated by his People over the ages.
- Journey: Lesson 8 - The Roots of Kingship
This is lesson 8 of the Journey Bible Study Programs. In this lesson we learn of Samuel and Abimelech. We learn of the struggle of the People to find a form of leadership and organization suited to their life in the Land while keeping their faith and tradition. In chapter 2 we learn how Saul was chosen as the first King of Israel as the People struggle to accept kingship as their new form of leadership.In chapter 3 the commentary on" Dei Verbum" continues.
- Journey: Lesson 7- the Gift of The Land
This is the 7th lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson Chapter 1 describes the life in the desert as the People traveled from Egypt to the promised Land. Chapter 2 tells us of the life of the Canaanites and the gradual settling into the Land which occurred by infiltration,settlements and battles. Chapter 3 then describes the struggle for survival once the People of God were settled in the Land. Chapter 4 gives us a commentary on Paragragh eleven of "Dei Verbum".
- Journey: Lesson 5 -You Shall Be My People - The Covenant
This is the 5th lesson in the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson Chapter 1 presents the Covenant made through Moses, Chapter 2 presents the literary form of the Covenant passages and explains some of the elements of the Covenant, Chapter 3 is called Bond of Communion and it discusses the relationships that are formed by the establishment of the Covenant. In Chapter 4 the gives us some of the most important teachings on revelation, what is revelation, it's purpose and how revelations takes place.
- Journey -Lesson 15 - Prophets in Exile (2)
This is lesson 15 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. This lesson describes the condition of the People of God in Exile and selected themes from Second Isaiah.In chapter 1 entitled "I am doing a new deed" we learn of Second Isaiah message to the People in Exile. In chapter 2 entitled "My ways are not your ways" there is a description of the future role of the People.In chapter 3 we have the conclusion of the commentary on "Dei Verbum".
- Journey: Lesson 16 -New Directions
This is lesson 16 of the Journey Bible Study program series. The purpose of this lesson is to describe the developments in organizations and in leadership and changes in attitudes towards the gentiles which took place in the People of God after the Exile. Chapter 1 presents the Edict of Cyrus and the work of those who took advantage of it. Chapter 2 describes the message of the Book of Malachi.Chapter 3 describes the work of Ezra and Nehemiah. Chapter presents the book of Ruth.Chapter 5 presents Third Isaiah and the book of Zechariah. Chapter 6 presents the book of Jonah.Chapter 7 presents the developments in leadership after the Exile.
- Journey: Lesson 17 -Early Wisdom
This is lesson 17 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. The purpose of this lesson is to discuss the teaching of the wisdom tradition on creation, humanity and human suffering as found in the Books of Proverbs and Job.In chapter 1 the author discusses being human, humility and fear of the Lord and the need for others.Chapter 2 describes various approaches to poverty and wealth.Chapter 3 describes the message of the drama found in the book of Job.There is also an Appendix on the wisdom of the ancient near east.
- Journey: Introduction
This is the introduction to the Journey Bible Study Program which contains 20 lesson on the Old Testament and 20 lesson on the New Testament. In this introduction the student is given the information required to navigate the Bible. This includes a list of the Biblical books and the abbreviations generally used to designate each book, some instructions on use of chapter numbers and verse numbers,and there is an explanation of the discrepancies found in the number of psalms. Once the student is aware of these details he or she should be able to move directly in the first lesson. The series follows the order of the books in the Bible as they are found in all of the versions of the Bible on sale in book stores.
- Journey - Lesson 13 - Prophets in Judah (2)
This is the 13th lesson of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson selected passages from the books of Jeremiah and Zephaniah are analyzed. Chapter 1 describes the historical setting of Jeremiah and presents a commentary on selected passages. In Chapter 2 we meet Zephaniah and look at selected passages from the prophet Zephaniah. In this lesson we discover how much some prophets suffered in order to proclaim God's word.
- Journey: Lesson 19 - Persecution And Hope
This is lesson 19 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. This lesson gives a description of the main events affecting the people of God and the sacred literature produced in the years between 175 and 20 BC.Chapter 1 describes the beginning of the revolt against the Seleucid king,, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Chapter 2 is a description of apocalyptic literature as found in the book of Daniel. Chapter 3 describes the main events of the Maccabean revolt. Chapter 4 describes the teaching of the Book of Wisdom on immortality, on Wisdom and on the love which the Lord has for all he has made.
- Journey: Lesson 10 - Glory And Its Consequences
This is the 10th lesson of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In chapter 1 the wisdom of Solomon is discussed. In chapter 2 presents various aspect of the theology of the Temple.Chapter 3 identifies the various aspects of Solomon's reign which received negative criticism.. Chapter 4 describes the main events which followed upon the rule of Solomon. Chapter five continues the commentary on "Dei Verbum".
- Journey- lesson 18: Later Wisdom
This is lesson 18 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In chapter 1 we learn of the main events between 400 and 200 BC which affected the People. In chapter 2 we have a description of the Book of Qoheleth (Ecclesisastes). In chapter 3 we learn of the three basic interpretations of the Song of Songs.IN chapter 4 we learn the ways in which the message of Sirach marked an advance on the thinking of earlier wisdom.
- Journey: Lesson 24 - News Of Great Joy
This is lesson twenty four of the Journey Bible Study Program series. The main purpose of Luke is to present Jesus as the Christ and his Good News. In chapter one we find Luke’s introduction of the Good News: the infancy narrative, then the ministry of John and Jesus in adulthood. In chapter two we are introduced to Jesus’ ministry in Galilee which is Good News to the Poor. The themes developed by Luke are – the People of God- the Holy Spirit- Prayer, the Prophet, The goods of the earth and the Poor.
- Journey: Lesson 11- Prophets In Israel
This is lesson 11 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson we are introduced to Prophecy. In chapter 1 we learn the historical setting of Elijah and how to interpret the stories concerning him. In chapter 2 we learn about Amos and how to analyze selected passages from Amos. In chapter 3 we meet Hosea and how to analyze selected passages from Hosea.
- Journey: Lesson 25 - To Jerusalem
This is lesson twenty five of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson Luke describes the wisdom Jesus imparts to his disciples. In the first chapter Jesus teaches that discipleship is a journey with no resting place on earth and secondly that there is no more urgent binding obligation than to follow Jesus. In chapter two Jesus teaches his disciples how to manage material things, how to treat other people and how to serve God. In chapter three Luke gives us some parables that reveal what Jesus has been teaching especially how disciples should deal with riches.
- Journey: Lesson 9 - The Beloved
This is the 9th lesson of the Journey Bible Study Program. In this lesson Chapter 1 describes the manner in which David's becomes King of Judah. In Chapter 2 we learn how David became King of Israel. Then in chapter 3 we learn of the accomplishments of David and the Divine approval he receives on his way to becoming king of both Judah and Israel. Chapter 4 continues the commentary on "Dei Verbum".
- Journey - Lesson 14 - Prophets in Exile (1)
This is lesson 14 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. Chapter 1 describes the conditions of the People in Exile in Babylon.In chapter 2 we have a description of Ezekiel's message to the People in Exile.Chapter three provides a description of the changes which were beginning to take place among the People in Exile. Chapter 4 is a continuation of the commentary on "Dei Verbum". There is also an appendix on some discoveries affecting Old Testament studies.
- Journey: Lesson 22 - Servants Of The Kingdom
This is lesson 22 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. The objective of this lesson is to describe the teaching of Mark in chapters 6 to 10 of the Gospel of Mark. Chapter 1 deals with chapters 6 to 8 and on the formation of the People he chose to be his disciples.In chapter 2 we have Mark's teaching in chapters 8 to 10 of his gospel.In this section Mark shows us that the disciples are beginning to see -they recognize Jesus as the Christ.
- Journey - Lesson 12 - Prophets in Judah (1)
This is the 12th lesson of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson we turn to the prophets of Judah. In chapter 1 we analyze selected passages from the prophet Isaiah.In chapter 2 we analyze selected passages from the Prophet Micah. This section ends with reflections on Prophets and Prophecy. The third chapter continues the commentary on "Dei Verbum"
- Journey: Lesson 23 - The King
This is lesson 23 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson the focus is on the death and resurrection of Jesus. the objective of the lesson is to describe Jesus as king. Chapter 1 describes the kingly judgment of Jesus on the People. The 2nd chapter describes the attitude of the disciples towards the events that take place..The 3rd chapter describes the Last supper, the betrayal and the trial of Jesus.
- Journey: Lesson 30 - I Am With You Always
This is lesson 30 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. There are two objectives in this lesson. The first chapter considers passages from the final chapters of the gospel of Matthew. In these passages Matthew describes the vigilance of the disciples as they await the coming of the Son of Man but also the meaning of the forgiveness of sins for which Jesus laid down his life. The objective of the section chapter is to describe the official teaching of the Church on the New Testament as found in Dei Verbum.
- Journey Lesson 33 It Is Accomplished
This is lesson 33 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. The objective of this lesson is to describe the Church founded through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The first chapter describes the life of the Church and the duties of the members. In the next chapter we learn how Jesus creates unity in the Church. The Church is a society on earth, with a heavenly king, but a king who rules forever from the cross. In the Epilogne Jesus appears to his diciples and teaches the kind of leadership he expects from the leaders of the Church.
- Journey: Lesson 21 - The Mystery Of The Kingdom
This is lesson 21 of the Journey Bible Study Program series.The objective of this lesson is to describe how the Gospel according to Mark was formed and to describe the teaching of Mark on Jesus, on the kingdom of God and the People Jesus forms.Chapter 1 describes the role of Jesus , the church and The Evangelist in the formation fo the Gospel according to Mark.Chapter 2 describes Mark's introduction of Jesus, the kingdom of God the Church.
- Journey: Lesson 20 - The Praise Of The People
This is lesson 20 of the Journey Bible Study program series.The object of this lesson is to see in the psalms a summary of the faith of the People of God in the Covenant made through Moses.Chapter 1 gives us the origins of the book of Psalms. Chapter 2 describes how the ritual of the Temple influenced the development of the Psalms. Chapter 3 gives us a description of the types of psalms as well as a commentary on selected Psalms.
- Journey: Lesson 26 - In Jerusalem
This is lesson twenty six of the Journey Bible Study Program series. In this lesson we come to Luke’s presentation of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Chapter one presents the death and resurrection in the light of Jesus role as prophet. In chapter two Luke continues his presentation of the death and resurrection in the light of the Passover and the New Covenant. In chapter three Luke reveals to us the supreme mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus through three experiences on the part of the disciples; the discovery of the empty tomb, the appearance of Jesus to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and the appearance of Jesus to the community in Jerusalem.
- Journey: Lesson 27 -To the Ends Of The Earth
This is lesson 27 of the Journey Bible Study Program series. The main objective of this lesson is to describe the work of the Holy Spirit in the development of the Church. In chapter 1 Luke describes the new life of the first disciples after the resurrection of Jesus.In chapter 2 we learn how the Holy Spirit guided the Church in it's first crisis. In chpater 3 we learn how Luke describes the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding the Church to move out to the Gentiles.
Marcel Gervais
About the Author Archbishop Gervais was born in Elie Manitoba on September 21 1931. He is the ninth of fourteen children. His family came from Manitoba to the Sparta area near St. Thomas Ontario when he was just a teenager. He went to Sparta Continuation School and took his final year at Saint Joseph`s High School in St. Thomas. After high school he went to study for the priesthood at St. Peter’s Seminary in London , Ontario. He was ordained in 1958. He was sent to study in Rome. This was followed by studies at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. He returned to London to teach scripture to the seminarians at St. Peter’s Seminary. In 1974 he was asked by Bishop Emmett Carter to take over as director of the Divine Word International Centre of Religious Education. This Centre had been founded by Bishop Carter to provide a resource for adult education in the spirit of Vatican II. This Centre involved sessions of one or two weeks with many of the best scholars of the time. Students came not only from Canada and the United States but from all over the globe, Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe. By the time Father Gervais became the director Divine Word Centre was already a course dominated by the study of scripture to which he added social justice. This aspect of the course of studies was presented by people from every part of the “third world”; among which were Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez and Cardinal Dery of Ghana. In 1976 the Conference of Ontario Bishops along with the Canadian conference of Religious Women approached Father Gervais to provide a written course of studies in Sacred Scripture for the Church at large, but especially for priests and religious women. This is when Fr. Gervais began to write Journey, a set of forty lessons on the Bible. He was armed with a treasure of information from all the teachers and witnesses to the faith that had lectured at Devine Word. He was assisted by a large number of enthusiastic collaborators: all the people who had made presentations at Divine Word and provided materials and a team of great assistants, also at Divine Word Centre. The work was finished just as Father Gervais was ordained an auxiliary bishop of London (1980). He subsequently was made Bishop of Sault Saint Marie Diocese, and after four years, Archbishop of Ottawa (1989). He retired in 2007, and at the time of this writing, he is enjoying retirement.
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