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180 April's 2VBA3C + Birth After Loss

180 April's 2VBA3C + Birth After Loss

FromThe VBAC Link

180 April's 2VBA3C + Birth After Loss

FromThe VBAC Link

48 minutes
Jun 9, 2021
Podcast episode


Today we are joined by our dear friend, April, who is sharing her second VBAC birth story with us after three previous Cesarean births.April had two traumatic, emergency Cesareans for her first two births and a scheduled Cesarean for her third. Her first VBAC was a very heartbreaking yet tender birth to a stillborn at 36 weeks. She shares the many miracles and sweet experiences that led her to her most recent birth-- her second VBAC to a perfectly healthy, beautiful baby girl.Education, great support, trusting her intuition, finding the courage to be unconventional, and asking questions are all big parts of her story. She is a woman of strength in every way. We know her story will inspire you as much as it inspires us! Additional linksThe VBAC Link on Apple PodcastsHow to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for ParentsFull transcriptNote: All transcripts are edited to correct grammar, false starts, and filler words. Julie: Welcome, welcome. It is Wednesday and it is podcast Wednesday. I am really excited for today’s story because our interview today is with April. April is actually one of my doula clients and she has-- oh my gosh. We could probably take three or four hours to share the whole story and all of the intricacies of how everything played out in her birth. But we are not. We are going to try to keep it super short. It’s probably going to be a little bit hard for us. So bear with us while we try and keep this story to under an hour and get on there with it. But April has had three C-sections, and then she had a VBAC after three C-sections that was a 36-week stillborn, and then she went on to have another VBAC after three C-sections with a healthy baby girl. That’s when I supported her as a doula for her second VBAC after three C-sections.I really admire April a lot. I am going to talk a little bit, maybe at the end if we have time, about her relationship with her provider and how she created this really cool, mutual respect and dynamic between them. If not, we are going to have to just have another podcast episode about me just telling about the cool things I experienced there. She is just fresh off the VBAC, like just over a month fresh off of her VBAC. It is such an incredible story, but I don’t want to take up too much time sharing about it because I want her to be able to share as much as she can. Review of the WeekJulie: But before we do that, Meagan has a Review of the Week for us.Meagan: Yes I do. This is from holmclaugh90. This is on Apple Podcasts and the title is, “I listen every single day.” It says, “After a traumatic Cesarean with my first baby five years ago and multiple miscarriages in between, this is a breath of fresh air as I await my chance to have a VBAC this October with my second! Love every story I hear on this podcast and it makes me feel so much stronger in knowing I can do this!”And October has passed. This was last July, so if you are still listening, holmclaugh90, send us a message. We would love to hear how it turned out.Julie: Absolutely.April’s storyJulie: All right. We are going to get right into April’s story. Education, good support, listening to your intuition, trusting yourself, being grateful, giving yourself lots of grace, knowing that it’s okay to say “no” and ask questions, these are all big parts of her story. We are just going to let her take it off and then see where this story flows. All right, April. Are you ready?April: I hope so. Yeah. Well, I just want to thank you for the opportunity to be on the podcast and share my story. I hope it will be helpful to at least one person out there. I know that when I found The VBAC Link this past fall actually, at the beginning of this last pregnancy, it was a tremendous resource and I have been telling everybody about it ever since. I’m sure Julie is totally okay with that.Julie: I am totally okay with it.April: But I just can’t even tell you how grateful I am that this resource is out there. I am not paid to say this by any means or anyth
Jun 9, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to make birth after Cesarean better by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. Welcome to our circle, we are so glad you are here!